单选题In this experiment, the students’ studies are stopped several times during the listening test and asked to report what they ______ during the pause before answering the questions.A had just been thinking about B have just been thinking aboutC are just

In this experiment, the students’ studies are stopped several times during the listening test and asked to report what they ______ during the pause before answering the questions.

had just been thinking about  


have just been thinking about


are just thinking about


had just thought about

正确答案: A
在这个试验中,学生们在听力测验的过程中被数次打断,并被要求报告在答题前的短暂停顿中想了什么。has/ have been + 动词的现在分词是动词的现在完成时结构。现在完成时表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在并且还将持续下去的动作或者是表示在说话时刻之前刚刚结束的动作。Just表明停顿中的所想是发生在被打断之前刚刚结束的动作,所以用现在完成进行时。
更多“单选题In this experiment, the students’ studies are stopped several times during the listening test and asked to report what they ______ during the pause before answering the questions.A had just been thinking about B have just been thinking aboutC are just ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    We ______our dinner when a policeman came to the door.

    A. just had

    B. have just had

    C. just have had

    D. had just had


    11.答案为D  当警察到门口的时候我们刚吃完饭。根据主句动作比从句动作早发生,因此时态比从句要早,是过去的过去,所以选过去完成式。

  • 第2题:

    John as well as Mike()just been back from an important meeting.

    A. have

    B. has

    C. had


  • 第3题:

    No bike would have had a prayer of passing a modern inspection. It’s ___.

    A、just as well

    B、as well

    C、just ok

    D、just well


  • 第4题:

    I( )at the same job for fifteen years, and one day I just woke up and said, "Enough!"

    A、have been working

    B、have worked

    C、had worked

    D、had been working


  • 第5题:

    It was just at the moment __________he worked out the problem that he had long been puzzled about.


    考查强调句。本句去掉Itwas和空格处,剩下的句子经过调整语序后变成Heworked out the problem that he had long been puzzled about at the moment.仍是一个完整的句子,所以该句是强调旬。强调句的结构为“It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他成分”。第二个that引导的是定语从旬,修饰先行词problem。

  • 第6题:

    Text 1"The love of money",St Paul memorably wrote to his protege Timothy,"is the root of all evil.""All"may be putting it a bit strongly,but dozens of psychological studies have indeed shown that people primed to think about money before an experiment are more likely to lie,cheat and steal during the course of that experiment.Another well-known aphorism,ascribed to Benjamin Franklin,is"time is money".If true,that suggests a syllogism:that the love of time is a root of evil,too.But a paperjust published in Psychological Science by Francesca Gino of Harvard and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania suggests precisely the opposite.Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a scries of what appeared to be aptitude tests.As is ofien the case in such experiments,though,what the voiunteers were told.and what the truth was,were rather different things.In the first test they were asked to make,within three minutes,as many coherent sentences as they could out of a set ofwords they had been presented with.What they were not told was that each of them had been assigned to one of three groups.Some volunteers'word sets were seeded with ones associated with money,such as"dollars","financing"and"spend".Some were seeded with words associated with time(eg,"clock",/'hours","moment").And some were seeded with neither.Thus unknowingly primed,the volunteers were ready for the second test.This was mathematical.They were given a sheet of paper with 20 matrices which each contained 12 numbers.two of which added up to ten(for example,3.81 and 6.19).They had to write down,on a separate answer sheet,how many of these pairs they could manage to find in five minutes.They were also given a packet ofmoney and told they could reward themselves with a dollar for each pair they discovered.This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling uncthical behaviour during the test.They therefore conducted a third test in which,for half the volunteers,there was a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting in when doing the experiment.Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39%of the time when a mirror was present but 67%when it was not.Those primed to think about time cheated 32%of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36%in its absence-results that are statistically indistinguishable.Finally,a fourth experiment asked primed volunteers to fill in a questionnaire before tackling the matrix.In among"filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to rate how they felt about self-reflective statements like,"Right now,1 am thinking about who I am as a person."As in the previous tests,those primed with money words cheated more ofien than those primed with neutral words and far more ofien than those primed with time words.But whether someone cheated was also related to how strongly he felt about the self-reflective statements presented to him in the questionnaire.It seems,then,that thinking about time has the opposite effect on people from thinking about money.It makes them more honest than normal,rather than less so.Moreover,the more reflective they are,the more honest they become.There must be an aphorism in that.
    The word"unethical"(Para.4)is closest in meaning to_____



  • 第7题:

    Text 1"The love of money",St Paul memorably wrote to his protege Timothy,"is the root of all evil.""All"may be putting it a bit strongly,but dozens of psychological studies have indeed shown that people primed to think about money before an experiment are more likely to lie,cheat and steal during the course of that experiment.Another well-known aphorism,ascribed to Benjamin Franklin,is"time is money".If true,that suggests a syllogism:that the love of time is a root of evil,too.But a paperjust published in Psychological Science by Francesca Gino of Harvard and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania suggests precisely the opposite.Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a scries of what appeared to be aptitude tests.As is ofien the case in such experiments,though,what the voiunteers were told.and what the truth was,were rather different things.In the first test they were asked to make,within three minutes,as many coherent sentences as they could out of a set ofwords they had been presented with.What they were not told was that each of them had been assigned to one of three groups.Some volunteers'word sets were seeded with ones associated with money,such as"dollars","financing"and"spend".Some were seeded with words associated with time(eg,"clock",/'hours","moment").And some were seeded with neither.Thus unknowingly primed,the volunteers were ready for the second test.This was mathematical.They were given a sheet of paper with 20 matrices which each contained 12 numbers.two of which added up to ten(for example,3.81 and 6.19).They had to write down,on a separate answer sheet,how many of these pairs they could manage to find in five minutes.They were also given a packet ofmoney and told they could reward themselves with a dollar for each pair they discovered.This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling uncthical behaviour during the test.They therefore conducted a third test in which,for half the volunteers,there was a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting in when doing the experiment.Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39%of the time when a mirror was present but 67%when it was not.Those primed to think about time cheated 32%of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36%in its absence-results that are statistically indistinguishable.Finally,a fourth experiment asked primed volunteers to fill in a questionnaire before tackling the matrix.In among"filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to rate how they felt about self-reflective statements like,"Right now,1 am thinking about who I am as a person."As in the previous tests,those primed with money words cheated more ofien than those primed with neutral words and far more ofien than those primed with time words.But whether someone cheated was also related to how strongly he felt about the self-reflective statements presented to him in the questionnaire.It seems,then,that thinking about time has the opposite effect on people from thinking about money.It makes them more honest than normal,rather than less so.Moreover,the more reflective they are,the more honest they become.There must be an aphorism in that.
    What can we infer from the tests?

    A.The subjects have been told their assignment
    B.Volunteers who had been primed with money ideas were more likely to cheat others.
    C.12%volunteers had been primed with time-related words.
    D.33%subjects had been primed with money-related words.

    推理判断题。根据题干中的信息对应文章的第二段,文中介绍了他们喜欢用一些金钱相关的词语,而第四段说“被灌输金钱思想的志愿者在面对镜子时有39%的时间都在作弊,但是如果不面对镜子,志愿者有67%的时间都在作弊。”所以B项Volunteers who had been primed with money ideas were more likely to cheat others.与此对应。故B项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项“受试者清楚自己的任务”,但是文中却说他们是被悄悄地安排,因此错误;c项与D项在段落的结尾处有对应,但是数字的运算是错误的,因此应当排除。

  • 第8题:

    ____ just six months ago, Finson’s Grill has quickly become one of the most popular restaurants in Detion.

    B.Had been opening
    C.Been opened
    D.To open

    四个选项是动词open的几种时态。A选项为一般过去时;B选项为过去完成时;C选项为被动语态,意为“被打开”;D选项为一般将来时。题目意为“六个月前刚刚___的芬森的烧烤店很快就成为Detion最受欢迎的餐厅之一。”时间状语是six months ago,为过去时,因此选A。

  • 第9题:

    We have just repaired the motorRemember () to it during your watch.

    to pay attention


    paying attention


    pay attention


    your paying attention

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    The certificate of pratique certifies that ().

    the ship has no rats or mice on board


    no quarantinable disease has been found on the vessel


    no person has died during the voyage the ship has just completed


    all the crew members have no health problem

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    —What’s the matter, Tom? You look sad.  —Nothing, I       about my parents back home.

    just thought


    just been thinking


    was just thinking


    have just thought

    正确答案: A
    解析: 这里强调的是对方看到Tom的那个瞬间,Tom正在做什么。相对Tom回答的时间来说,那个瞬间已成为过去,因而要用过去进行时。

  • 第12题:

    It was just at the moment______ he worked out the problem that he had long been puzzled about.








    正确答案: D

  • 第13题:

    I think her condition is improving but it may just be ________ thinking.

    A willful

    B wishful

    C hopeful

    D tactful


  • 第14题:

    John and I ______ friends for eight years. We first went to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ______ each other a couple of times before that.

    A had been; have seen

    B have been; have seen

    C had been; had seen

    D have been; had seen


  • 第15题:

    He must have had an accident, or he _____ then

    A:would have been here

    B:would be here

    C:should be here

    D:had just had


  • 第16题:

    The certificate of pratique certifies that ______.

    A.the ship has no rats or mice on board quarantinable disease has been found on the vessel person has died during the voyage the ship has just completed

    D.all the crew members have no health problem


  • 第17题:

    When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach
    Our senses aren't just delivering a strict view of what's going on in the world;they're af-fected by what's going on in our heads. A new study finds that hungry people see food-related words more clearly than people who'ye just eaten.
    Psychologists have known for decades that what's going on,inside our head affects our senses. For example,poorer children think coins are larger than they are,and hungry people think pictures of food are brighter. Remi Radel of University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis,France,wanted to investi-gate how this happens. Does it happen right away as the brain receives signals from the eyes or a lit-tle later as the brain's high-level thinking processes get involved.
    Radel recruited 42 students with a normal body mass index. On the day of his or her test,each student was told to arrive at the lab at noon after three or four hours of not eating. Then they were told there was a delay. Some were told to come back in 10 minutes;others were given an hour to get lunch first. So half the students were hungry when they did the ex-periment and the other half had just eaten.
    For the experiment,the participant looked at a computer screen. One by one,80 words flashed on the screen for about 1/300th of a second each. They flashed at so small a size that
    the students could only consciously perceive. A quarter of the words were food-related. After each word,each person was asked how bright the word was and asked to choose which of two words they'd seen一a food-related word like cake or a neutral word like boat. Each word ap-peared too briefly for the participant to really read it.
    Hungry people saw the food-related words as brighter and were better at identifying food-related words. Because the word appeared too quickly for them to be reliably seen,this means that the difference is in perception,not in thinking processes,Radel says.
    “This is something great to me. Humans can really perceive what they need or what they strive for. From the experiment,I know that our brain can really be at the disposal of our mo-tives and needs,”Radel says.

    It can be learnt from what Radel says that______.
    A: humans'thinking processes are independent of their senses
    B: an experiment with hungry and non-hungry participants is not reliable
    C: humans can perceive what they need without deep thinking processes
    D: 42 participants are too small a number for a serious investigation


  • 第18题:

    Text 1"The love of money",St Paul memorably wrote to his protege Timothy,"is the root of all evil.""All"may be putting it a bit strongly,but dozens of psychological studies have indeed shown that people primed to think about money before an experiment are more likely to lie,cheat and steal during the course of that experiment.Another well-known aphorism,ascribed to Benjamin Franklin,is"time is money".If true,that suggests a syllogism:that the love of time is a root of evil,too.But a paperjust published in Psychological Science by Francesca Gino of Harvard and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania suggests precisely the opposite.Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a scries of what appeared to be aptitude tests.As is ofien the case in such experiments,though,what the voiunteers were told.and what the truth was,were rather different things.In the first test they were asked to make,within three minutes,as many coherent sentences as they could out of a set ofwords they had been presented with.What they were not told was that each of them had been assigned to one of three groups.Some volunteers'word sets were seeded with ones associated with money,such as"dollars","financing"and"spend".Some were seeded with words associated with time(eg,"clock",/'hours","moment").And some were seeded with neither.Thus unknowingly primed,the volunteers were ready for the second test.This was mathematical.They were given a sheet of paper with 20 matrices which each contained 12 numbers.two of which added up to ten(for example,3.81 and 6.19).They had to write down,on a separate answer sheet,how many of these pairs they could manage to find in five minutes.They were also given a packet ofmoney and told they could reward themselves with a dollar for each pair they discovered.This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling uncthical behaviour during the test.They therefore conducted a third test in which,for half the volunteers,there was a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting in when doing the experiment.Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39%of the time when a mirror was present but 67%when it was not.Those primed to think about time cheated 32%of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36%in its absence-results that are statistically indistinguishable.Finally,a fourth experiment asked primed volunteers to fill in a questionnaire before tackling the matrix.In among"filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to rate how they felt about self-reflective statements like,"Right now,1 am thinking about who I am as a person."As in the previous tests,those primed with money words cheated more ofien than those primed with neutral words and far more ofien than those primed with time words.But whether someone cheated was also related to how strongly he felt about the self-reflective statements presented to him in the questionnaire.It seems,then,that thinking about time has the opposite effect on people from thinking about money.It makes them more honest than normal,rather than less so.Moreover,the more reflective they are,the more honest they become.There must be an aphorism in that.
    It can be concluded from the text that——.

    A.people primed with neutral words cheated more than those primed with money words
    B.self-refiection plays a significant role in people's decision making
    C.volunteers cheated was also related with whether a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting
    D.people primed with time words cheated most among the subjects

    推理判断题。题目没有体现具体的对应段落,但是conclude泽为“结论”,按照出题顺序的原则对应文章的第五段,其中In among“filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to raic how they feh about self-reflective statements like(问卷上设有掩饰之前不光彩行为的“补充”问题,调查他们在看到门我反思表述语句时的感受)可以体现结论,B项self-refiection plays a significant roleIn people's decision making“自我反省在人们的决策中扮演着重要的角色”与此相对应。故B项为正确选项。【干扰排除】A项巾的比较与原文刚好相反,因此应当排除;c项在定位的段落中并没有体现,因此应当排除;D项在结论的段落中有体现,但是段落中说被灌输金钱词语的志愿者作弊倾向最大,因此该选项排除。

  • 第19题:

    Text 1"The love of money",St Paul memorably wrote to his protege Timothy,"is the root of all evil.""All"may be putting it a bit strongly,but dozens of psychological studies have indeed shown that people primed to think about money before an experiment are more likely to lie,cheat and steal during the course of that experiment.Another well-known aphorism,ascribed to Benjamin Franklin,is"time is money".If true,that suggests a syllogism:that the love of time is a root of evil,too.But a paperjust published in Psychological Science by Francesca Gino of Harvard and Cassie Mogilner of the University of Pennsylvania suggests precisely the opposite.Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner asked a group of volunteers to do a scries of what appeared to be aptitude tests.As is ofien the case in such experiments,though,what the voiunteers were told.and what the truth was,were rather different things.In the first test they were asked to make,within three minutes,as many coherent sentences as they could out of a set ofwords they had been presented with.What they were not told was that each of them had been assigned to one of three groups.Some volunteers'word sets were seeded with ones associated with money,such as"dollars","financing"and"spend".Some were seeded with words associated with time(eg,"clock",/'hours","moment").And some were seeded with neither.Thus unknowingly primed,the volunteers were ready for the second test.This was mathematical.They were given a sheet of paper with 20 matrices which each contained 12 numbers.two of which added up to ten(for example,3.81 and 6.19).They had to write down,on a separate answer sheet,how many of these pairs they could manage to find in five minutes.They were also given a packet ofmoney and told they could reward themselves with a dollar for each pair they discovered.This led Dr Gino and Dr Mogilner to suspect that self-reflection played a part in controlling uncthical behaviour during the test.They therefore conducted a third test in which,for half the volunteers,there was a mirror in the cubicle they were sitting in when doing the experiment.Volunteers primed to think about money cheated 39%of the time when a mirror was present but 67%when it was not.Those primed to think about time cheated 32%of the time in the presence of the mirror and 36%in its absence-results that are statistically indistinguishable.Finally,a fourth experiment asked primed volunteers to fill in a questionnaire before tackling the matrix.In among"filler"questions intended to disguise what was happening this asked them to rate how they felt about self-reflective statements like,"Right now,1 am thinking about who I am as a person."As in the previous tests,those primed with money words cheated more ofien than those primed with neutral words and far more ofien than those primed with time words.But whether someone cheated was also related to how strongly he felt about the self-reflective statements presented to him in the questionnaire.It seems,then,that thinking about time has the opposite effect on people from thinking about money.It makes them more honest than normal,rather than less so.Moreover,the more reflective they are,the more honest they become.There must be an aphorism in that.
    The author's attitude towards the conclusion of the experiment is——.



  • 第20题:

    In this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night, and asked to report what they ______ .

    had just been dreaming


    had just dreamt


    are just dreaming  


    have just been dreaming

    正确答案: D

  • 第21题:

    In this experiment, the students’ studies are stopped several times during the listening test and asked to report what they ______ during the pause before answering the questions.

    had just been thinking about  


    have just been thinking about


    are just thinking about


    had just thought about

    正确答案: C
    在这个试验中,学生们在听力测验的过程中被数次打断,并被要求报告在答题前的短暂停顿中想了什么。has/ have been + 动词的现在分词是动词的现在完成时结构。现在完成时表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在并且还将持续下去的动作或者是表示在说话时刻之前刚刚结束的动作。Just表明停顿中的所想是发生在被打断之前刚刚结束的动作,所以用现在完成进行时。

  • 第22题:

    A: What a pleasant surprise! I haven’t seen you for a long time.  B: ______

    Nice to meet you.


    Pretty good. Thanks. And you?


    I just stopped by to say hello.


    Well, how have you been?

    正确答案: A
    此题考查打招呼用语。前者说:“真叫人惊喜! 我好久没看到你了。”既然是好长时间不见了,肯定要问候对方近况,所以D项为正确答案。A项是初次见面经过介绍后的寒暄语,B项是该场景听到对方问好后的回答。C项“只是顺道过来打个招呼”使用不得体。

  • 第23题:

    In this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night, and asked to report what they _____.

    had just been dreaming


    had just dreamt


    are just dreaming


    have just been dreaming

    正确答案: D

  • 第24题:

    In this experiment, the students’ studies are stopped several times during the listening test and asked to report what they _____ during the pause before answering the questions.

    had just been thinking about


    have just been thinking about


    are just thinking about


    had just thought about

    正确答案: C
    句意:在这个试验中,学生们在听力测验的过程中被数次打断,并被要求报告在答题前的短暂停顿中想了什么。has/ have been + 动词的现在分词是动词的现在完成时结构。现在完成时表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在并且还将持续下去的动作或者是表示在说话时刻之前刚刚结束的动作。Just表明停顿中的所想是发生在被打断之前刚刚结束的动作,所以用现在完成进行时。