更多“(英语作文)1. 最近几年,很多省份的高中语文教材都删除了很多经典作品2. 有人认为应该删除这 ”相关问题
  • 第1题:



    My Teacher in High School
    I have met so many teachers so far, but the most unforgettable teacher of mine is Mr. Zhang, my History teacher in high school. Mr. Zhang is a little bit short and thin, not the one girls would dream of. However, he was very popular among all the students in my class.
    Mr. Zhang is very knowledgeable. The history from him is so attractive that many of our classmates would do lots of research on history. We just want to know more and know our world better. Mr. Zhang is also respectable. All the students of his would remember him and would come to visit him whenever possible. We all feel so lucky to have such a teacher in our high school.

  • 第2题:



    Which is more important, Health or Wealth?
    In some people’s eyes, life without wealth would be miserable because the essential needs of our life can not be meet because of poverty. Some people believe that no matter how rich we might be, without a healthy body, we could not enjoy what we have gained.
    When I have to make a choice between wealth and health, I would prefer health. In my eyes, wealth is always something that cannot decide whether we can live in this wonderful world. With less money, we may lead simple life. With more money, we may lead a better life. No matter what kind of life we can have, we will be able to enjoy the colorful world because we are healthy. If we were not healthy enough, we may not only lose the opportunity to survive, but also become a burden of our family. So it is high time for those who are pursuing the money to pay more attention to their health now.

  • 第3题:



  • 第4题:


    1. 对这种做法有人表示支持

    2. 有人并不赞成

    3. 我的观点

    Flash Marriage
    There is a general discussion today about the phenomenon of flash marriage among young people. As it indicates literally, flash marriage describes establishing the marital relationship in a fraction of time, skipping the period of knowing and getting along with each other. Some argue that such speedy relationship may not last long. But people who advocate marriage freedom argue that young people have their own opinion about marriage and can be responsible for their behavior.
    As society progresses, people's conception of marriage is changing. Financial burdens of keeping up a long-term relationship before marriage have proven to be too difficult for many lovers to handle. Speedy marriages seem to be more economical. But, flash marriage, or getting married without careful consideration, may cause severe social problems. One extreme example published by a Chinese newspaper goes like this: a young couple married in the morning, argued at midday and divorced in the afternoon. Flash marriage, for lack of mutual understanding, may lead to higher rates of divorce.
    In my eyes, flash marriage is not fit for most of the young people. It is only acceptable to people who are mentally and psychologically mature and with a certain economic foundation. It's surely more sensible to know more about your partner before going down the aisle.

  • 第5题:


    Part I Writing (30 minutes)


    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:




    Due Attention Should Be Given To Spelling

