
This will not on1y make them feel good , but may a1so gain you theirrespect_________. return accident

C.on purpose


Crime Prevention Initiatives The chances that you will be a victim of violent crime are low. But you can avoid risk in the following ways. AT HOME - You should make sure your house or flat is secure. Always lock the door from the inside at night, but you must keep the key nearby, so that you can use it to get out quickly if there is a fire. - You must never give keys to workmen as they can easily make copies. - If you wake up and hear a burglar, stay quietly in bed. Pretend you are asleep. If you feel more confident, switch on the light and make a lot of noiseeven if you are on your own you should call out loudly to an imaginary companion, so that the burglar thinks you are not alone and runs away. You should have a phone or a mobile in your bedroom to alert the police immediately. - If you come home and think you see signs of a break-in, you shouldn't go in, the burglar may be inside. You should go to a neighbour and call the police. ON THE STREET At night: - Always walk facing the traffic, so that a car cannot pull up behind you. - You mustn't go through parks or woods. - If you think someone is following you, cross the road one or two times. If he or she continues to follow you, go to a pub or other public place. - Always carry your bag close to you, but carry your house keys in your pocket so that you can open the door quickly. If someone attacks you - remember your safety is more important than your property.

1). This passage mainly focuses on ().

2). If you want to guarantee your safety at home, you should ().

3). Based on the passage, if you notice someone following you, it's better for you to ().

4). Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom?

5). From the passage, we can infer that we might be victims if ().

(1).A、how to avoid crimes both at home and in the street

B、 where to stay if you want to be safe

C、 what you should do at home if there is a burglary

D、 how to avoid crime at night in the street

(2).A、always lock the door and put the key in a secret place far away from the door

B、 never leave the keys with workmen since they can easily make copies

C、 keep silent all the time even if you are on your own when a burglar steals into your house

D、 go in immediately when you suspect someone is breaking into your house

(3).A、shout loudly

B、 run quickly

C、 stop, turn around and look at him

D、 go to public places

(4).A、Because we might use it to alert the burglar.

B、 Because it's convenient for us to talk to our friends while lying in bed.

C、 Because it's convenient for us to report to the police in case there is a burglary.

D、 Because we might use it to make a phone call at midnight.

(5).A、we cannot part with the money when being attacked

B、 we always walk facing the traffic

C、 we don't walk in the empty street

D、 we carry too much cash


THREE THINGS TO BRING YOU MORE FRIENDS Do you lack friends Do you want to make more friends If so, you may read on… There's a certain beauty in being a lone wolf. You have more time to do the things you want to do. But if you want to make more friends, and do things together with them, please consider these suggestions on how to meet people and form. strong, lasting friendships. Spend more time around people and talk to them. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out in order to meet people. Friends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computer games. Participate in an online community. You don't necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them. Social networking sites such as Wechat, Facebook, Twitter, and My Space are great way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet. Join a sports team. A common misunderstanding about this is that you have to be really good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others on the team, but not all teams are so competitive. As long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates, joining a local team could be a great way to make new friends.

1. How many ways the author suggests on how to make more friends()

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Two.

2. If you want to make more friends, first you need to()

A. join a club.

B. chat on the internet.

C. put yourself out.

3. What is the meaning of the word “online” in paragraph3()

A. 直线的

B. 在线的

C. 线下的

4. What is misunderstanding about joining a sports team()

A. You have to be good at playing a particular sport.

B. You must enjoy the sport.

C. You must support your teammates.

5. The main point of this passage is about ().

A. how to talk with friends.

B. how to make more friends.

C. how to study English well.

参考答案:1:A; 2:C; 3:B; 4:A; 5:B

You will find as you read this book that you just can't keep some of these stories to ___. You will want to share them with a friend.






to make sure that the other speaker is paying attention to what you are saying, you need to make what you say sound more interesting. in the following expressions, which one can make one's saying sound more interesting______.

A、You'll never believe this, but…

B、What do you mean?

C、Did you hear what I said?

D、What do you think?


2022 秋期3896 国开电大专科人文英语 1 期末一体化考试第三大题阅读选择题库试题首字母音序 DDo you lack friends?Do you want to make more friends?If so,you may read on.Theres a certain beauty in being a lonely wolf,You have more time to do the things you want to do.But if youwant to make more friends,and do things together with them,please consider these suggestions on how to meetpeople and form strong,lasting friendshipsSpend more time around people and talk to them.If you want to make friends,you first need to put yourself outin order to meet people.Friends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computergames.Participate in an online community.You dont necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people inorder to make friends with them.Social networking sites such as We chat,Facebook,Twitter,and MySpace aregreat way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet.Join a sports team.A common misunderstanding about this is that you have to be realily good at playing aparticular sport in order to make friends with others on the team,but not all teams are so comp eve.As long asyou enjoy the sport and support your teammates,joining a local team could be a great way to make new friends21-1.【单选题】 How many ways the author suggests on how to make more friends?A.ThreeB.FourC Two答案A21-2.【单选题】 If you want to make more friends,first you need to?A.join a on the intemetC.put yourself out答案C21-3.【单选题】 What is the meaning of the word “ online” in paragraph 3?A.直线的B.在线的C.线下的答案B21-4.【单选题】 What is misunderstanding about joining a sports team?A.You have to be good at playing a particular sportB.You must enjoy the sportC.You must support your teammates答案A21-5.【单选题】 The main point of this passage is to talk with to make more to study English well答案B试题首字母音序 EEngland is not a big country:from north to south and from east to west it is only about three hundredmiles across.But for a small country it has a surprising range of climate.People who have never visited Englandor who have visited only one part of it,often make the mistake of thinking that it is a cold and wetcountry.Except for the summer months of June to September,this is probable true of the North of England andthe Midland.In the south,however,the climate is much more pleasant One result is that when people retire forma job in the north,they often prefer to move down to the milder south.Perhaps the warmest part of the country is the south-west,which consists of the countries of Devon andCornwall The warm Gulf Steam flows across the North Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico and makes thecoastal regions of the south-west of England.Flowers and vegetables ripen as much as a month earlier thanthose elsewhere.Farmers in the area obtain a higher price for their vegetables and flowers because they areready earlier.In winter there maybe probably no snow at all in the south-west.This maybe one of the reasonswhy the south-west is one of Englands most popular holiday areas.21-1.【单选题】 The distance from the center of England to the south coast is hundred milesB.three hundred hundred and fifty miles答案C21-2.【单选题】 England is a country_.A.with a cold and wet climateB.with a pleasant climateC.with a variety of climate答案C21-3.【单选题】 According to the and vegetables from Devon are on the market one month in the south-west grow as many vegetables and flowers as farmers elsewhereC.vegetable in Com wall ripen as much as am on the are r than flowers答案A21-4.【单选题】 In the north of England and the is cold and wet all the year is warm most of the time in a yearC.only the summer is not cold and well答案C21-5.【单选题】 In winter,people in Devon and Cornwall_.A.hardly see any snowB.never see any snowC.may have several feet of snow答案B试题首字母音序 IIn the past, American families tended to be quite large.Parents raising five or more children werecommon.Over the years,the size of the family is becoming smaller.One reason for this is an increase in the costof living.-21.In the past,American families tended to be_.答案C.quite large22.To parents who take the responsibility for childrens expenses,the cost of living increases because_.答案C.all of the above23.Children whose parents divorced always feel unsettled because_.答案A.they are moved between their parents24.According to the author,the situations of American families in the future may_.答案A.get better25.The title of the article might be_.答案 B.American Families试题首字母音序 II used to think education was the most important thing in my life.Recently my attitude has begun tochange,although I still hold that it is essential for every


You may not realize it,but you are doing much more than just studying,when you are at school. School is also the place where you learn to get along well with people. But this is not al-ways easy. What can you do if you just don-t like one of your classmates? If you discover that you have problems getting along with your classmates or friends,the most important thing to learn is tolerance(宽容). Tolerance is the ability(能/J ) to realize and respect(尊重) the differences in others. We can not change the way that other people do,so it is important to learn to live happily with them.

Tolerance will make everyone get on better with each other. Getting to know someone may help you understand why they do things differently. Something different does not exactly mean that it is bad. Tolerance teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind .

You need to remember an old saying,"Treat others how you want to be treated". You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates,so it is important to treat them kindly too.

If you tolerate(宽容) something,it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to change who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.

It is important to practice tolerance,because it will make everyone's lives easier. Learn to accept(接受) people for their different abilities and interests. The world is very different,and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help you make a difference.

21. What does the writer think of school?

At school,students can not only study but also_________________________

21. learn how to get on well with people 【解析】由第一段的第二句可知。

When you're teenager(青少年) it seems that every time you say "l want to... ",your par-ents answer," No,you can' t. "

Young people further complain that their parents do not (11) them. When something goes(12) ,most parents just don't believe in their children.(13) asking why,they think their kids are wrong. And not many parents allow their kids to choose for themselves.

Yes,(14) is true that your parents sometimes treat you as a little could. But remember that not long ago you were really a child. Your parents still remember the childish (15) you used to make. They want to protect you (16) you don-t want them to do so.

So,if you want to get(17 freedom(自由),please try to understand you don-t lie to them.Try a more friendly way.lf you want them to (18) you to stay out late,don't just say "All (19) kids can stay out late. Tell them as much as you can about what you want to do and where you’ll be and (20) it,s important for you to stay out late. Then they just might say "yes .

( )11.

A. enjoy

B. prefer

C. understand

D. decide


Don't be discouraged, __________ and you will surely pass the exam.
Don't be discouraged, __________ and you will surely pass the exam.

A.Make a bit more effort
B.To make a bit more effort
C.Making a bit more effort
D.If you make a more effort

考查祈使句。祈使句的基本结构是“动词原形+其他”。常考的特殊结构还有“祈使句+and/then/or+陈述句”,该结构相当于一个由if引导的条件状语从句。Make a bit more effort and you will surely pass the exam.=If you make a bit more effort,you will surely pass the exam.意为“再努力一点,你一定能通过考试的”。故选A。

Five ways to make conversation with anyone Conversations are links,which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment will strengthen the link.You meet new people every day:the grocery worker,the cab driver,new people at work or the security guard at the door.Simply starting a conversation with them will form a link.Here are five simple ways that you can make the first move and start a conversation with strangers.41.____________Suppose you are in a room with someone you don’t know and something within you says“I want to talk with this person”—this is something the mostly happens with all of us.You wanted to say something—the first word—but it just won’t come out.It feels like it is stuck somewhere,I know the feeling and here is my advice just get it out.Just think:that is the worst that could happen?They won’t talk with you?Well,they are not talking with you now!I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.So keep it simple:“Hi”,“Hey”or“Hello”—do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can,put on a big smile and say“Hi”。42.____________It’s a problem all of us face:you have limited time with the person that you want to talk with and you want to make this talk memorable.Honestly,if we got stuck in the rut of“hi”,“hello”,“how are you?”and“what’s going on?”you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that’s can make it so memorable.So don’t be afraid to ask more personal questions.Trust me,you’ll be surprised to see how much people are willing to share if you just ask.43.____________When you meet a person for the first time,make an effort to find the things which you and that person have in common so that you can build the conversation from that point.When you start conversation from there and then move outwards,you’ll find all of a sudden that the conversation becomes a lot easier.44.____________Imagine you are pouring your heart out to someone and they are just busy on their phone,and if you ask for their attention you get the response“I can multitask”.So when someone tries to communicate with you,just be in that communication wholeheartedly.Make eye contact,you can feel the conversation.45.____________You all came into a conversation where you first met the person,but after some time you may have met again and have forgotten their name.Isn’t that awkward!So remember the little details of the people you met or you talked with;perhaps the places they have been to the place they want to go,the things they like,the thing the hate—whatever you talk about.When you remember such thing you can automatically become investor in their wellbeing.So the feel a responsibility to you to keep that relationship going.That’s it.Five amazing ways that you can make conversation with almost anyone.Every person is a really good book to read,or to have a conversation with!45选?

A.Just say it
B.Be present
C.Pay a unique compliment
E.Find the“me too”s
F.Skip the small talk
G.Ask for an opinion


Five ways to make conversation with anyone Conversations are links,which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment will strengthen the link.You meet new people every day:the grocery worker,the cab driver,new people at work or the security guard at the door.Simply starting a conversation with them will form a link.Here are five simple ways that you can make the first move and start a conversation with strangers.41.____________Suppose you are in a room with someone you don’t know and something within you says“I want to talk with this person”—this is something the mostly happens with all of us.You wanted to say something—the first word—but it just won’t come out.It feels like it is stuck somewhere,I know the feeling and here is my advice just get it out.Just think:that is the worst that could happen?They won’t talk with you?Well,they are not talking with you now!I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.So keep it simple:“Hi”,“Hey”or“Hello”—do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can,put on a big smile and say“Hi”。42.____________It’s a problem all of us face:you have limited time with the person that you want to talk with and you want to make this talk memorable.Honestly,if we got stuck in the rut of“hi”,“hello”,“how are you?”and“what’s going on?”you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that’s can make it so memorable.So don’t be afraid to ask more personal questions.Trust me,you’ll be surprised to see how much people are willing to share if you just ask.43.____________When you meet a person for the first time,make an effort to find the things which you and that person have in common so that you can build the conversation from that point.When you start conversation from there and then move outwards,you’ll find all of a sudden that the conversation becomes a lot easier.44.____________Imagine you are pouring your heart out to someone and they are just busy on their phone,and if you ask for their attention you get the response“I can multitask”.So when someone tries to communicate with you,just be in that communication wholeheartedly.Make eye contact,you can feel the conversation.45.____________You all came into a conversation where you first met the person,but after some time you may have met again and have forgotten their name.Isn’t that awkward!So remember the little details of the people you met or you talked with;perhaps the places they have been to the place they want to go,the things they like,the thing the hate—whatever you talk about.When you remember such thing you can automatically become investor in their wellbeing.So the feel a responsibility to you to keep that relationship going.That’s it.Five amazing ways that you can make conversation with almost anyone.Every person is a really good book to read,or to have a conversation with!42选?

A.Just say it
B.Be present
C.Pay a unique compliment
E.Find the“me too”s
F.Skip the small talk
G.Ask for an opinion

该小标题下第一段第一句话就说了你时间有限“you have limited time”,然后说到如果陷到寒暄当中“hi,hello,how are you,what is going on”会让对话没法令人印象深刻。下一段“So”表明结论,去问更多个人问题“personal questions”,所以选F:Skip the small talk跳过寒暄

更多 “[2022秋期]3896国开电大专科《人文英语1》期末一体化考试第三和第四大题阅读选择题库” 相关考题
考题 资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular. Not just because there are more career options available, but also out of necessity. As new industries arise, others die. It's up to you to figure out if your career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years. Some studies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professional lifetime. Which begs the question: do you know what it takes to successfully change career lanes repeatedly? Switching careers is like changing highway lanes: you must signal! If you want to move in a new career direction, you need to signal to the professional world you intend to make a change. You need to do it with purpose and specificity. It must look well-thought out and intentional. Otherwise, people will A) not know you are looking to make the change, and B)assume you are doing it because you failed in your current career in some way. 1. Give the logic and passion behind your career change. When signaling to your network you want to switch careers you must explain why both your head and heart are ready to change. Perhaps there are financial or geographic reasons (i.e., you need to relocate or make more money). But, you must also convey the excitement and sincere desire you have for this new career (i.e., you want to make a difference or work on a particular type of problem that needs to be solved). 2. Build a marketing campaign for your business-of-one. Most employers prefer to hire people with previous experience. Thus, you're going to need a way to convey to them your transferable skills from your former career path will be equally valuable. The best way to do this is to create a targeted list of employers you want to work for and then strategically network with their employees. The more conversations and connections you can have within your new career path, the easier it will be to convince someone to hire you in spite of your lack of experience. To sum it up … Once you commit to a career change, the secret to success is to make sure everyone knows about it. Otherwise, you will struggle to change career lanes efficiently and effectively.What does the sentence “you must signal!” mean in paragraph 2?A.You need to have more conversations and connections within your new career path. B.You need to build a marketing campaign for your business-of-one. C.You need to give the logic and passion behind your career change. D.You need to make sure everyone knows about it.答案:D解析:本题考查的是词义判断。 【关键词】”you must signal’;mean;in paragraph 2【主题句】第2自然段 Switching careers is like changing highway lanes: you must signal! If you want to move in a new career direction, you need to signal to the professional world you intend to make a change.转行就像变换高速公路车道,你必须发出信号。如果你想进入新的职业方向,你需要向职业世界表明你打算做出改变。【解析】题干意为“第2自然段的‘you must signal!’是什么意思?” 选项A意为“在新的职业道路上,你需要有更多的对话和联系”;选项B意为“您需要为您的企业创建营销活动”;选项C意为“在职业变化背后,你需要逻辑和激情”;选项D意为“你需要确保每个人都知道”;根据主题句可知,转行需要提前让别人知道你要转行,故选项D正确。

考题 资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular. Not just because there are more career options available, but also out of necessity. As new industries arise, others die. It's up to you to figure out if your career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years. Some studies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professional lifetime. Which begs the question: do you know what it takes to successfully change career lanes repeatedly? Switching careers is like changing highway lanes: you must signal! If you want to move in a new career direction, you need to signal to the professional world you intend to make a change. You need to do it with purpose and specificity. It must look well-thought out and intentional. Otherwise, people will A) not know you are looking to make the change, and B)assume you are doing it because you failed in your current career in some way. 1. Give the logic and passion behind your career change. When signaling to your network you want to switch careers you must explain why both your head and heart are ready to change. Perhaps there are financial or geographic reasons (i.e., you need to relocate or make more money). But, you must also convey the excitement and sincere desire you have for this new career (i.e., you want to make a difference or work on a particular type of problem that needs to be solved). 2. Build a marketing campaign for your business-of-one. Most employers prefer to hire people with previous experience. Thus, you're going to need a way to convey to them your transferable skills from your former career path will be equally valuable. The best way to do this is to create a targeted list of employers you want to work for and then strategically network with their employees. The more conversations and connections you can have within your new career path, the easier it will be to convince someone to hire you in spite of your lack of experience. To sum it up … Once you commit to a career change, the secret to success is to make sure everyone knows about it. Otherwise, you will struggle to change career lanes efficiently and effectively.Why is changing career becoming a necessity? A.As new industries arise, the popularity of different careers also change. B.Nowadays people don’t know what they really want to do. C.Because changing careers is becoming more popular. D.Because one could have as many as nine careers in his professional lifetime.答案:A解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】why;changing career; becoming a necessity【主题句】第1自然段 Changing careers is becoming more popular. Not just because there are more career options available, but also out of necessity. As new industries arise, others die. It's up to you to figure out if your career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years. 改变职业正变得越来越流行,这不仅仅是因为有更多的职业可供选择,而且也是需要使然。随着新行业的兴起,其他一些行业消失。你应该弄明白你的职业在未来5-10年内是否仍然存在。【解析】题干意为是“为什么改变职业成为需要?”选项A意为“随着新兴产业的兴起,不同职业的流行度也随之改变”;选项B意为“如今人们不知道他们真正想做什么”;选项C意为“因为改变职业越来越受欢迎”;选项D意为“因为一个人在职业生涯中可以有多达九个职业”。根据主题句可知,新产业兴起,提供更多的选择可能,故选项A正确。

考题 单选题If an existing script is uploaded to the CRS, what does it ask?()A Do you want to debug the script?  B Do you want to refresh the script?  C Do you want to save the application?  D Do you want to return to Script Management? 正确答案:A解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题We are planning an outing.() Sure.A Where are you going? B When will you leave? C How is everything? D Do you want to join us?正确答案:C解析:暂无解析

考题 Five ways to make conversation with anyone Conversations are links,which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment will strengthen the link.You meet new people every day:the grocery worker,the cab driver,new people at work or the security guard at the door.Simply starting a conversation with them will form a link.Here are five simple ways that you can make the first move and start a conversation with strangers.41.____________Suppose you are in a room with someone you don’t know and something within you says“I want to talk with this person”—this is something the mostly happens with all of us.You wanted to say something—the first word—but it just won’t come out.It feels like it is stuck somewhere,I know the feeling and here is my advice just get it out.Just think:that is the worst that could happen?They won’t talk with you?Well,they are not talking with you now!I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.So keep it simple:“Hi”,“Hey”or“Hello”—do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can,put on a big smile and say“Hi”。42.____________It’s a problem all of us face:you have limited time with the person that you want to talk with and you want to make this talk memorable.Honestly,if we got stuck in the rut of“hi”,“hello”,“how are you?”and“what’s going on?”you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that’s can make it so memorable.So don’t be afraid to ask more personal questions.Trust me,you’ll be surprised to see how much people are willing to share if you just ask.43.____________When you meet a person for the first time,make an effort to find the things which you and that person have in common so that you can build the conversation from that point.When you start conversation from there and then move outwards,you’ll find all of a sudden that the conversation becomes a lot easier.44.____________Imagine you are pouring your heart out to someone and they are just busy on their phone,and if you ask for their attention you get the response“I can multitask”.So when someone tries to communicate with you,just be in that communication wholeheartedly.Make eye contact,you can feel the conversation.45.____________You all came into a conversation where you first met the person,but after some time you may have met again and have forgotten their name.Isn’t that awkward!So remember the little details of the people you met or you talked with;perhaps the places they have been to the place they want to go,the things they like,the thing the hate—whatever you talk about.When you remember such thing you can automatically become investor in their wellbeing.So the feel a responsibility to you to keep that relationship going.That’s it.Five amazing ways that you can make conversation with almost anyone.Every person is a really good book to read,or to have a conversation with!43选?A.Just say itB.Be presentC.Pay a unique complimentD.Name,places,thingsE.Find the“me too”s F.Skip the small talk G.Ask for an opinion答案:D解析:第一句话就说到了第一次交谈要找到共同点“have in common”,从这个共同点“that point”来开展对话“build the conversation”,所以选D:find the“me too”s找到共同点

考题 资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular. Not just because there are more career options available, but also out of necessity. As new industries arise, others die. It's up to you to figure out if your career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years. Some studies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professional lifetime. Which begs the question: do you know what it takes to successfully change career lanes repeatedly? Switching careers is like changing highway lanes: you must signal! If you want to move in a new career direction, you need to signal to the professional world you intend to make a change. You need to do it with purpose and specificity. It must look well-thought out and intentional. Otherwise, people will A) not know you are looking to make the change, and B)assume you are doing it because you failed in your current career in some way. 1. Give the logic and passion behind your career change. When signaling to your network you want to switch careers you must explain why both your head and heart are ready to change. Perhaps there are financial or geographic reasons (i.e., you need to relocate or make more money). But, you must also convey the excitement and sincere desire you have for this new career (i.e., you want to make a difference or work on a particular type of problem that needs to be solved). 2. Build a marketing campaign for your business-of-one. Most employers prefer to hire people with previous experience. Thus, you're going to need a way to convey to them your transferable skills from your former career path will be equally valuable. The best way to do this is to create a targeted list of employers you want to work for and then strategically network with their employees. The more conversations and connections you can have within your new career path, the easier it will be to convince someone to hire you in spite of your lack of experience. To sum it up … Once you commit to a career change, the secret to success is to make sure everyone knows about it. Otherwise, you will struggle to change career lanes efficiently and effectively.Which of the following could NOT be a logical reason for career change? A.You want to try something new. B.You want to make a difference and prove yourself. C.You need to make more money to buy a house. D.You need to relocate.答案:A解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】not; a logical reason; for career change【主题句】第4自然段 Perhaps there are financial or geographic reasons (i.e., you need to relocate or make more money). But, you must also convey the excitement and sincere desire you have for this new career (i.e., you want to make a difference or work on a particular type of problem that needs to be solved).也许有财务或者地理原因(例如,你需要搬家或者赚更多钱)。但是,你也必须表达你对这个新职业的兴奋和诚挚的渴望(例如,你想做出改变或者解决需要解决的特殊问题。)【解析】题干意为“以下哪一项不是转行的合理原因?” 选项A意为“你想尝试新的东西”;选项B意为“你想有所作为,证明自己”;选项C意为“你需要赚更多的钱买房子”;选项D意为“你需要搬迁”;根据主题句可知,选项B、C、D均有涉及,故选项A符合题意。

考题 You want to create a shortcut to a folder named Project on a network share. You want this shortcut to be available when you are not connected to the network. You attempt to configure the shortcut to be available offline. However, you do not see any option, which will let you do so. What should you do?()A、Use Windows Explorer to enable caching for the Project folder.B、Use Windows Explorer to configure the Project folder on the network share with the full  control permission for your user account.C、Connect to the network before trying to make the shortcut available offlineD、Create shortcuts to each file in the Project folder and make the shortcuts to the files available  offline. 正确答案:A

考题 单选题You want to create a shortcut to a folder named Project on a network share. You want this shortcut to be available when you are not connected to the network. You attempt to configure the shortcut to be available offline. However, you do not see any option, which will let you do so. What should you do?()A Use Windows Explorer to enable caching for the Project folder.B Use Windows Explorer to configure the Project folder on the network share with the full  control permission for your user account.C Connect to the network before trying to make the shortcut available offlineD Create shortcuts to each file in the Project folder and make the shortcuts to the files available  offline. 正确答案:D解析:暂无解析

考题 单选题We are planning an outing.() Sure.A Where are you going? B When will you leave? C How is everything? D Do you want to join us?正确答案:B解析:暂无解析

考题 资料:Changing careers is becoming more popular. Not just because there are more career options available, but also out of necessity. As new industries arise, others die. It's up to you to figure out if your career is still going to be around in the next 5-10 years. Some studies say we could have as many as nine careers in our professional lifetime. Which begs the question: do you know what it takes to successfully change career lanes repeatedly? Switching careers is like changing highway lanes: you must signal! If you want to move in a new career direction, you need to signal to the professional world you intend to make a change. You need to do it with purpose and specificity. It must look well-thought out and intentional. Otherwise, people will A) not know you are looking to make the change, and B)assume you are doing it because you failed in your current career in some way. 1. Give the logic and passion behind your career change. When signaling to your network you want to switch careers you must explain why both your head and heart are ready to change. Perhaps there are financial or geographic reasons (i.e., you need to relocate or make more money). But, you must also convey the excitement and sincere desire you have for this new career (i.e., you want to make a difference or work on a particular type of problem that needs to be solved). 2. Build a marketing campaign for your business-of-one. Most employers prefer to hire people with previous experience. Thus, you're going to need a way to convey to them your transferable skills from your former career path will be equally valuable. The best way to do this is to create a targeted list of employers you want to work for and then strategically network with their employees. The more conversations and connections you can have within your new career path, the easier it will be to convince someone to hire you in spite of your lack of experience. To sum it up … Once you commit to a career change, the secret to success is to make sure everyone knows about it. Otherwise, you will struggle to change career lanes efficiently and effectively.What’s the best way to convince someone to hire you in spite of your lack of experience?A.To build a marketing campaign by creating a better resume. B.To give the logic and passion behind your career change. C.To make sure everyone knows about your intention of changing career. D.To have more conversations and connections within your new career path.答案:D解析:本题考查的是细节理解。 【关键词】the best way; to convince someone to hire you; in spite of your lack of experience【主题句】第5自然段 The more conversations and connections you can have within your new career path, the easier it will be to convince someone to hire you in spite of your lack of experience. 在新的职业道路上,你有越多的对话和联系,就越容易说服别人雇用你,即便你缺乏工作经验。【解析】题干意为“说服别人雇用你而不顾你缺乏工作经验的最佳方式是什么?” 选项A意为“通过创建更好的简历来建立营销活动”;选项B意为“在职业变化背后,你需要逻辑和激情”;选项C意为“确保每个人都知道你改变职业的意愿”;选项D意为“在新的职业道路上有更多的对话和联系”。根据主题句可知,选项D符合题意。