


1.清代由盛转衰的时期是( )

A.乾隆朝后期 B.道光朝后期

C.同治帝时期 D.光绪帝时期









in bed,指在床上休养,in the bed,指在特定的床上,


听下面6个问题。每个问题后有三个答语, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。


A.Near the park B.By car. C.With me.



听下面6段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

7.At what time does the shop open on Wednesday?

A.10 a.m B.9 a.m. C.8 a.m.


第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第13段材料,回答第13至15题。

13.What does the woman want to get?

A.Train tickets to Cambridge.

B.Tickets to a play.

C.Tickets to a sports game.


浙江省宁波浙江省宁波市市 2022 年中考英年中考英语语真真题试题试卷卷一、完形填空一、完形填空(本本题题有有 15 小小题题,每小,每小题题 1 分,共分,共计计 15 分)分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Andy was throwing an empty box when a woman and her daughter ran over.You smell1!Andy said to the woman.The woman said,I just want you to2me the box.Its how my daughter and I survive(生存)But its just trash(垃圾),said Andy.One persons trash is another persons3,the woman said,reaching out her hand,Can I have it?4you want it,just take it out of the trash bin by yourself,Andy replied5.Then he threw the box and walked towards his mothers car.The woman didnt say anything and took the box.Andy told his mother about the dirty woman.His mother said in a6voice,Andy,not everyone has good7.Your father left us when you were two years old.We lived a hard life.I couldnt find a8,so we had to live on the streets.One day,I met a lady and she9me to make money by recycling boxes.I10her suggestion and our life changed after that.Hearing this,Andy got out of the car and11to the lady.I am sorry for what I did.Youre right.One persons trash is another persons treasure.Then his mother came over and was 12 to find the woman was just the lady who helped them out of trouble a few years ago.She said to the woman with13,You did so much for us.Its my turn to14you.I would like you and your daughter to come and stay with us.The girl and her mother were moved to tears.There are always some people who give us unexpected15.So wherever we are,be kind topeople around us.1AsweetBniceCterribleDsmoky2AbuyBgiveCshowDlend3AprideBsupportCpowerDtreasure4AThoughBUnlessCBeforeDIf5AimpolitelyBgladlyCnervouslyDhopefully6AfunnyBsoftCcoldDstrange7AluckBfameCnatureDbehavior8AreasonBdreamCjobDhobby9AallowedBadvisedCneededDsent10AcheckedBquestionedCfollowedDforgot11AclimbedBrushedCrodeDjumped12AsurprisedBafraidCrelaxedDworried13AfearBinterestCsadnessDjoy14AteachBunderstandCpraiseDhelp15AsuccessBpleasureCwarmthDpride【答案】1C;2B;3D;4D;5A;6B;7A;8C;9B;10C;11B;12A;13D;14D;15C【知识点】故事阅读类;记叙文【解析】【分析】主要讲了 Andy 起初认为收垃圾的女士是脏的,在 Andy 妈妈告诉 Andy 之前在一个 女士建议下收箱子来谋生的故事改变了 Andy 对女士的看法,并且 Andy 妈妈惊讶地发现女士就是当 年帮助自己的女士,于是 Andy 妈妈帮助了女士和她的女儿,告诉我们总有一些人给了我们意想不到 的温暖,要善待周围的人。【点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含 义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。1句意:“你闻起来是糟糕的!”Andy 对女士说。A.甜的;B.漂亮的;C.糟糕的;D.有烟的。根据后 文But its just trash(垃圾),可知讲的是垃圾,所以闻起来是糟糕的,故选 C。2句意:我仅仅想让你给我这个箱子。A.买;B.给;C.展示;D.借给。根据后句 Its how my daughter and I survive(生存)这就是我和女儿的生存之道,可知女士想让 Andy 给箱子,give sb.sth.把 某物给某人,固定搭配,故选 B。3句意:一个人的垃圾是另一个人的财富。A.骄傲;B.支持;C.能力;D.财富。根据后文 One persons trash is another persons treasure.可知一个人的垃圾是另一个人的财富,故选 D。4句意:如果你想要的话,就自己把它从垃圾桶里拿出来。A.尽管;B.除非;C.在.之前;D.如 果。you want it 你想要的话,just take it out of the trash bin by yourself 就自己把它从垃圾桶里拿出来,可知从垃圾桶里把垃圾拿出来的条件是想要,所以用 if,如果,表示条件,故选 D。5句意:Andy 不礼貌地回答。A.不礼貌地;B.高兴地;C.紧张地;D.有希望地。根据前句 just take it out of the trash bin by yourself 如果你想要的话,就自己把它从垃圾桶里拿出来,可知 Andy 是不礼 貌的,故选 A。6.句意:他的妈妈柔和地说。A.有趣的;B.柔和的;C.寒冷的;D.奇怪的。voice 声音,结合后文和 选项可知 Andy 的妈妈柔和地说,故选 B。7.句意:Andy,不是每个人都有好运。A.幸运;B.名声;C.自然;D.行为。根据前文可知 Andy 认为女士是脏的,但是妈妈告诉 Andy 不是每个人都是富裕的,都是好运,good luck,故选 A。8句意:我不能找到一个工作,声音我们不得不住在街上。A.原因;B.梦想;C.工作;D.爱好。根 据 so we had to live on the streets 可知妈妈和 Andy 住在街上的原因是妈妈没有找到工作,故选 C。9句意:一天,我遇到一个女士,她建议我通过回收箱子来挣钱。A.允许;B.建议;C.需要;D.发 送。make money by recycling boxes 通过回收箱子来挣钱是女士对妈妈的建议,advise do sth.建 议某人做某事,固定搭配,故选 B。10句意:我遵循了她的建议,并且我们的生活之后改变了。A.检查;B.质疑;C.遵循;D.忘记。根 据 our life changed after that 并且我们的生活之后改变了,可知 Andy 妈妈接受了建议,follow the advice 遵循建议,故选 C。11句意:听到这个,Andy 下车并且冲向女士。A.爬山;B.匆忙;C.骑;D.跳。rush to.冲向.,固定搭配,故选 B。12句意:然后,他的妈妈走过来,惊讶地发现这个女人正是几年前帮助他们摆脱困境的那位女 士。A.惊讶的;B.害怕的;C.放松的;D.担心的。根据 find the woman was just the lady who helped them out of trouble a few years ago 发现这个女人正是几年前帮助他们摆脱困境的那位女士,可知 Andy 妈妈是惊讶的,故选 A。13句意:她高兴地对女士说:“你为我们做了如此多。”A.害怕;B.兴趣;C.悲伤;D.高兴。根据 You did so much for us.你为我们做了如此多,可知 Andy 妈妈是高兴地,故选 D。14句意:轮到我帮助你了。A.教;B.明白;C.表扬;D.帮助。Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某 事,固定搭配,根据前句 You did so much for us.可知女士为 Andy 妈妈做了很多,所以现在轮到 Andy 妈妈帮助女士了,故选 D。15句意:总有一些人给了我们意想不到的温暖。A.成功;B.高兴;C.温暖;D.骄傲。根据全文可知 女士和 Andy 妈妈互相帮助,给了彼此温暖,故选 C。二、二、阅读阅读理解理解(本本题题有有 15 小小题题,每小,每小题题 2 分,共分,共计计 30 分)分)阅读理解How do you look after your catIntroductionThe first step to becoming a good cat owner is to choose the right kind of cat.It is how a catbehaves that is the most important,not what she looks like or how old she is.She is going to be yourbest friend.You will spend a lot of time playing together.But remember,you need to look after her every day.Not just to start with,but for all her life.Understanding your petBy watching your ca、t closely,you will learn her special way of talking.From the movement of her tail or ears,you will see if she is happy or sad.And you will soon understand what she is saying when she miaows.Caring for your petYou will only be your cats best friend if you care for her properly.You will need to make sure that she eats the right foods,always has water,and can get plenty of exercise every day.You will also haveto bathe(给洗澡)her often and spend some time training her.16How long will you need to look a

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)


听第6段材料,回答第6.7题 。

6.What do we know about Nora?

A.She pre fers a room of her own.

B. .She likes to work with other girls.

C. She lives near the city center.


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child ___________he or she wants.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever


21.You are the team star! Working with _____________is really your cup of tea.

A. both

B. either

C. others

D. the other


第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. —Do you think you could do without help?

—______. This is not the first time for me.

A. Take care

B. Hurry up

C. Not exactly

D. Don’t worry

本题考查交际用语的使用。根据后置语境This is not the first time for me可知,答语应表示“没问题,别担心”之意,所以D项符合语境。

阅读下面一段短文,然后回答下列 36~38 小题。

第 36 题 概括本片段的大意。作者的观点是什么?




1.—How about camping this weekend, just for a change?

—OK, you want.






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