A sign of thunderstorm development is a cumulus cloud ______.A.darkening,growing in size and forming an anvil topB.that shows extensive vertical developmentC.creating cold downdrafts that are felt on the groundD.All of the above


A sign of thunderstorm development is a cumulus cloud ______.

A.darkening,growing in size and forming an anvil top

B.that shows extensive vertical development

C.creating cold downdrafts that are felt on the ground

D.All of the above

更多“A sign of thunderstorm development is a cumulus cloud ______.A.darkening,growing in size a ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    ():a cloud service,allied to the set of business terms under which the cloud service is offered.

    A.Cloud service

    B.Cloud service product

    C.Product catalogue

    D.Service catalogue


  • 第2题:

    If the sky was clear, with the exception of a few cumulus clouds, it would indicate ______.


    B.hurricane weather

    C.fair weather

    D.fog setting in


  • 第3题:

    资料:Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully open up its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move to build a "sharing economy" based on cloud services. Enterprises will be able to use a set of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent, helping them gain a better understanding of their clients and improve their products.
    The Shenzhen-based internet giant, which owns instant messaging tools QQ and WeChat, has years of experiences storing and analyzing huge amounts of data. The opening of its core technologies is part of Tencent's efforts to develop cloud services, an area which many other big companies including Alibaba and Baidu are also tapping into.
    "Development of a sharing economy is closely related to cloud services" said Ma Huateng, chairman of Tencent." Like transportation, accommodation and many other areas. cloud services are also a kind of sharing economy. "He said cloud computing has become one of the key areas Tencent focuses on and the company is dedicated to opening its IT resources and technological capabilities to outsiders." In the past, enterprises were only users of internet technology. Now, as they engage themselves in the cloud, they are becoming a part of the internet ecosystem," Ma said at the 2016 Tencent Cloud Summit held in Shenzhen this week.
    Cloud technology has achieved greater importance in recent years as more and more Chinese enterprises integrate themselves deeper with the internet. However, it remains difficult for companies, especially smaller ones, to build their own data center because it involves large capital investment and a waste of resources, said Dowson Tong. senior executive vice-president of Tencent. Cloud services help enterprises get access to more resources while reducing their operating costs, Tong said.
    According to the 2016 Internet Trends report, services provided by Tencent are the most commonly used by Chinese internet users. More than 50 percent of their time on the internet is spent on Tencent services." We are not offering cloud services as a separate business. Instead, it is a part of Tencent's entire strategy. Enterprises will be able to get access to all Tencent platforms by using its cloud services," Ma said.

    What is Tencent's purpose of opening up the big data platform?

    A.To develop cloud services.
    B.To help enterprises gain a better understanding of their clients and improve their products.
    C.To become a part of the internet ecosystem.
    D.To store and analyze more data

    【关键词】Tencent‘s’purpose; opening up data platform
    【主题句】第1自然段Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully open up its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move to build a "sharing economy" based on cloud services. Enterprises will be able to use a set of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent, helping them gain a better understanding of their clients and improve their products.

  • 第4题:

    Standing under a big tree to()getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.






  • 第5题:

    You are troubleshooting an issue which is causing full-sized packets entering the MPLS cloud be dropped. You have discovered that one of the switches in the MPLS core is not a Cisco switch, but otherwise the MPLS MTU size is set to 1508 bytes on the routers. Based on this information, which of these may be the reason the packets are being dropped?()

    • A、The switch on you MPLS core that was not produced by Cisco does not support oversized packets
    • B、No switches support oversized packets
    • C、By definition, the maximum MTU is 1500 bytes
    • D、As MPLS VPN labeling increases the size of the packet by 8 bytes, the IP MTU should have been changed to 1508


  • 第6题:

    Which of these is an accurate list of Cisco Lifecycle Services phases? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。

    • A、initiation planning analysis design development implementation operations and maintenance
    • B、project planning, site assessment risk assessment solution selection and acquisition, testing, and operations
    • C、prepare, plan, design, implement operate, and optimize
    • D、analysis, design, deployment testing, implementation, and production
    • E、presales, project planning, development implementation, operations testing, and operations sign- off


  • 第7题:

    Steady precipitation is typical of().

    Coming cold weather conditions


    A warm front weather condition


    High pressure conditions


    Scattered cumulus cloudsduring the day

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    Which important factor is taken into account when determining an estimate for the maximum network bandwidth to be used by a customer?()

    the size of the hard drives for each PC connected to the client’s network


    the average size of the wallet based on the number of profiles and accounts


    if any users will use IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On during non-work hours


    the number of users that will be connected using the wireless network, as opposed to a wired connection

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    On a clear,warm day,you notice the approach of a tall cumulus cloud. The cloud top has hard well defined edges and rain is falling from the dark lower edge. Should this cloud pass directly overhead().

    it will be preceded by a sudden increase in wind speed


    it will be preceded by a sudden decrease in wind speed


    the wind speed will not change as it passes


    the wind will back rapidly to left in a counterclockwise direction as it passes

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    Which of these is an accurate list of Cisco Lifecycle Services phases? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。

    initiation planning analysis design development implementation operations and maintenance


    project planning, site assessment risk assessment solution selection and acquisition, testing, and operations


    prepare, plan, design, implement operate, and optimize


    analysis, design, deployment testing, implementation, and production


    presales, project planning, development implementation, operations testing, and operations sign- off

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Cumulus clouds that have undergone vertical development and have become cumulonimbus in form,indicate().

    clearing weather


    that a warm front has passed


    probable thunderstorm activity


    an approaching hurricane or typhoon

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    “The city grew outward instead of upward” (Para. 2) means _____.

    the city became more spread out instead of growing taller


    there were fewer small houses than tall buildings


    rapid development took place in the city center


    many tall buildings could be found in the city

    正确答案: D
    词语释义题。题目中问“第二段‘The city grew outward instead of upward’是什么意思?”从文章后面的句子“Los Angeles never built many tall apartment buildings. Instead, people live in houses with gardens”可知,洛杉矶很少有高楼大厦,人们一般住在花园式的房子。表明该城市的扩展是向四周而不是向高处的,答案为A。

  • 第13题:

    Cumulus clouds that have undergone vertical development and have become cumulonimbus in form,indicate ______.

    A.clearing weather

    B.that a warm front has passed

    C.probable thunderstorm activity approaching hurricane or typhoon


  • 第14题:

    资料:Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully open up its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move to build a "sharing economy" based on cloud services. Enterprises will be able to use a set of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent, helping them gain a better understanding of their clients and improve their products.
    The Shenzhen-based internet giant, which owns instant messaging tools QQ and WeChat, has years of experiences storing and analyzing huge amounts of data. The opening of its core technologies is part of Tencent's efforts to develop cloud services, an area which many other big companies including Alibaba and Baidu are also tapping into.
    "Development of a sharing economy is closely related to cloud services" said Ma Huateng, chairman of Tencent." Like transportation, accommodation and many other areas. cloud services are also a kind of sharing economy. "He said cloud computing has become one of the key areas Tencent focuses on and the company is dedicated to opening its IT resources and technological capabilities to outsiders." In the past, enterprises were only users of internet technology. Now, as they engage themselves in the cloud, they are becoming a part of the internet ecosystem," Ma said at the 2016 Tencent Cloud Summit held in Shenzhen this week.
    Cloud technology has achieved greater importance in recent years as more and more Chinese enterprises integrate themselves deeper with the internet. However, it remains difficult for companies, especially smaller ones, to build their own data center because it involves large capital investment and a waste of resources, said Dowson Tong. senior executive vice-president of Tencent. Cloud services help enterprises get access to more resources while reducing their operating costs, Tong said.
    According to the 2016 Internet Trends report, services provided by Tencent are the most commonly used by Chinese internet users. More than 50 percent of their time on the internet is spent on Tencent services." We are not offering cloud services as a separate business. Instead, it is a part of Tencent's entire strategy. Enterprises will be able to get access to all Tencent platforms by using its cloud services," Ma said.

    What is probably the title of this passage?

    A.Cloud services help enterprises get access to resources.
    B.Tencent's efforts to develop cloud service.
    C.Tencent opens up big data platform to boost sharing economy.
    D.Cloud technology.

    【关键词】title; passage
    【主题句】第1自然段Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully open up its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move to build a "sharing economy" based on cloud services. 腾讯股份有限公司宣布,将全面开放其大数据平台和机器学习技术,以建立基于云服务的“共享经济”。

  • 第15题:

    资料:Tencent Holdings Ltd has announced that it will fully open up its big data platform and machine learning technology in a move to build a "sharing economy" based on cloud services. Enterprises will be able to use a set of big data analysis tools developed by Tencent, helping them gain a better understanding of their clients and improve their products.
    The Shenzhen-based internet giant, which owns instant messaging tools QQ and WeChat, has years of experiences storing and analyzing huge amounts of data. The opening of its core technologies is part of Tencent's efforts to develop cloud services, an area which many other big companies including Alibaba and Baidu are also tapping into.
    "Development of a sharing economy is closely related to cloud services" said Ma Huateng, chairman of Tencent." Like transportation, accommodation and many other areas. cloud services are also a kind of sharing economy. "He said cloud computing has become one of the key areas Tencent focuses on and the company is dedicated to opening its IT resources and technological capabilities to outsiders." In the past, enterprises were only users of internet technology. Now, as they engage themselves in the cloud, they are becoming a part of the internet ecosystem," Ma said at the 2016 Tencent Cloud Summit held in Shenzhen this week.
    Cloud technology has achieved greater importance in recent years as more and more Chinese enterprises integrate themselves deeper with the internet. However, it remains difficult for companies, especially smaller ones, to build their own data center because it involves large capital investment and a waste of resources, said Dowson Tong. senior executive vice-president of Tencent. Cloud services help enterprises get access to more resources while reducing their operating costs, Tong said.
    According to the 2016 Internet Trends report, services provided by Tencent are the most commonly used by Chinese internet users. More than 50 percent of their time on the internet is spent on Tencent services." We are not offering cloud services as a separate business. Instead, it is a part of Tencent's entire strategy. Enterprises will be able to get access to all Tencent platforms by using its cloud services," Ma said.

    Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?

    A.Tencent is offering cloud services as a separate business.
    B.Smaller companies fail to build their own data center.
    C.Cloud services slightly increased the operating costs.
    D.Cloud technology is widely used in every Chinese enterprise.

    【关键词】statement; true
    【主题句】第4自然段Cloud technology has achieved greater importance in recent years as more and more Chinese enterprises integrate themselves deeper with the internet. Cloud services help enterprises get access to more resources while reducing their operating costs.近年来,随着越来越多的中国企业与互联网进行更深入的整合,云技术变得更加重要。云服务帮助企业获得更多的资源,同时降低运营成本。第4自然段However, it remains difficult for companies, especially smaller ones, to build their own data center because it involves large capital investment and a waste of resources, said Dowson Tong. “然而,公司,尤其是较小的公司,很难建立自己的数据中心,因为它涉及大量的资本投资和资源浪费。”腾讯高级副总裁Dowson Tong说道。
    第5自然段We are not offering cloud services as a separate business.我们不提供云服务作为单独的业务。

  • 第16题:

    AnyShare Cloud运维服务包括()

    • A、AnyShare Cloud基础支持服务
    • B、AnyShare Cloud金牌运维服务
    • C、AnyShare Cloud白金运维服务
    • D、AnyShare Cloud铂金运维服务


  • 第17题:

    You are designing an integration test plan for a Windows Azure .NET 3.5 application.   You need to recommend a testing environment that allows developers to debug the application while accessing data in the cloud.  What should you recommend?()

    • A、 Run the application on Windows Azure.  Use the development storage account.
    • B、 Run the application on Windows Azure.  Use a Windows Azure Storage account.
    • C、 Run the application in the development fabric.  Use the development storage account.
    • D、 Run the application in the development fabric.  Use a Windows Azure Storage account


  • 第18题:

    Which important factor is taken into account when determining an estimate for the maximum network bandwidth to be used by a customer?()

    • A、the size of the hard drives for each PC connected to the client’s network
    • B、the average size of the wallet based on the number of profiles and accounts
    • C、if any users will use IBM Tivoli Access Manager for Enterprise Single Sign-On during non-work hours
    • D、the number of users that will be connected using the wireless network, as opposed to a wired connection


  • 第19题:

    If the sky was clear,with the exception of a few cumulus clouds,it would indicate().



    hurricane weather


    fair weather


    fog setting in

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    A cloud of marked vertical development (often anvil-shaped) would be classified as().








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    The present growing interest in, sign language was stimulated by _____.

    a leading specialist in the study of liberal arts


    an English teacher in a university for the deaf


    some senior experts in American sign language


    a famous scholar in the human brain

    正确答案: B

  • 第22题:

    A sign of thunderstorm development is a cumulus cloud().

    darkening,growing in size and forming an anvil top


    that shows extensive vertical development


    creating cold downdrafts that are felt on the ground


    All of the above

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    You are designing an integration test plan for a Windows Azure .NET 3.5 application.   You need to recommend a testing environment that allows developers to debug the application while accessing data in the cloud.  What should you recommend?()

     Run the application on Windows Azure.  Use the development storage account.


     Run the application on Windows Azure.  Use a Windows Azure Storage account.


     Run the application in the development fabric.  Use the development storage account.


     Run the application in the development fabric.  Use a Windows Azure Storage account

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析