材料:MV UNISOL GroundedWith the engines on stand-by,orders were given to cut the remaining forward lines at 0755 hours,the starboard engine was put on slow astern and the helm to hard a starboard.When the forward lines were cut,the bow was blown off and swu


材料:MV UNISOL Grounded

With the engines on stand-by,orders were given to cut the remaining forward lines at 0755 hours,the starboard engine was put on slow astern and the helm to hard a starboard.

When the forward lines were cut,the bow was blown off and swung away from the quay under the influence of the wind and,combined with the effect of the engine going astern on the after spring,canted the bow to port,until a heading of North was reached with the vessel&39;s stern approximately 15 meters off the dock face.

The engines were put to half astern at 0810 hours and with the bow continuing to swing to port,the after back-spring parted with the stern about 20 meters clear of the wharf.Orders were given to cut the remaining 5 stern lines.This was accomplished by 0818 hours,at which time the end of the pier was abeam of the bridge and the vessel was heading in a NW&39;ly direction.

Both engines were placed to full astern with the shaft turning 80-90 revolutions.As the UNISOL was unable to gain sternway and with high seas at the end of the breakwater,the Pilot feared that the vessel&39;s starboard quarter was in danger of striking the breakwater.Hence the engines were stopped at 0827 hours,and orders were given to let go port anchor to 2 shackles in the water,but about 4 shackles ran out before the brake could be fully applied.At 0828 hours,orders were given to shorten up on the anchor cable,the telegraph put on full ahead and the helm to hard to port.When the engines responded at 0829 hours,the anchor chain was seen to be stretched out on the port beam with a great deal of weight on it and the ship&39;s head was 220° gyro with the vessel swinging to port.

The anchor was hove short to 2 shackles in the water by 0835 hours,and the vessel continued to drift westwards with 80-90 (full ahead) revolutions on the Engine.At this stage,orders were given to pay out the cable,which was paid out to 5 shackles in the water by 0838 hours,but that too failed to arrest the westward drift of the vessel.

At 0840 hours,December 7,1983,with the ship&39;s head on 180°,the UNISOL grounded on a rocky bottom,forward of the main engine on her star board side,in approximate position 48°20′30.5″ North,64°40′02″West.A spout of water mixed with oil about 60 centimeters in diameter and 2.5-3 meters high above the engine room bottom plating was observed,and at which time the main engines seemed to slow down.

问题:the wind was blowing ______.





The vessel had engine

B.two engines

C.three engines

D.fore engines

According to the passage, ______.A.The bow of the vessel parted the pier first

B.The stern of the vessel parted the pier first

C.The beam of the vessel parted the pier first

D.It can not tell which part of the vessel parted the pier first

It can be concluded that ______ .A.the vessel was lying portside along the pier

B.the vessel was lying starboardside along the pier

C.the vessel was lying at a buoy

D.the vessel was anchored


问题 1 答案解析:A

问题 2 答案解析:B

问题 3 答案解析:A

问题 4 答案解析:B
更多“材料:MV UNISOL GroundedWith the engines on stand-by,orders were given to cut the remaining ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    After the meeting, the speakers were given ( ).

    A、glass of beers

    B、glasses of beers

    C、glasses of beer

    D、glass of beer


  • 第2题:

    ______, the second one will start automatically.

    A.If the first stand-by set failed

    B.If the first stand-by set fails

    C.If the first stand-by set will fail

    D.If the first stand-by set doesn’t fail


  • 第3题:

    While the Pilot is maneuvering the vessel to a dock,what is the PRIMARY responsibility of the watch officer?

    A.Insure that helm and throttle orders given by the Pilot are correctly executed

    B.Judge the appropriateness of the Pilot's orders and countermand them if necessary

    C.Supervise the signaling and flag etiquette

    D.Record the bells and their times in the bell book


  • 第4题:


    At 0840 hrs,with the ship&39;s head on 180°,the UNISOL grounded on a rocky bottom,forward of the main engine on her starboard side.A spout of water mixed with oil about 60cm in diameter and 2.5-3m high above the engine room bottom plating was observed,and at which time the main engines seemed to slow down.

    The engine room flooded rapidly and the water level soon reached the electro-magnetic couplings,stopping the main engine.In the meantime,on being apprised of the situation,the Master ordered the evacuation of the engine room,which was successfully carried out under the supervision of the 2/E engineer,and the engine room crew were mustered on the boat deck wearing life jackets.

    Shortly thereafter,the emergency air cut-off to the engine room and the emergency fuel shut-off were actuated causing the main generator to stop at 0845 hrs.The emergency generator then started up automatically.The starboard anchor was dropped in an attempt to prevent further westward drift.The vessel was by this time being subjected to pounding on the rocks,eventually breaking her back at 0930 hrs after which the violent motion ceased. Evacuation of the vessel commenced at 1045 hrs using 2 SAR helicopters with a Buffalo fixed-wing aircraft in attendance,and was completed at 1220 hours.


    The main engine was caused to stop by the loss of the function of ________.

    A.engine room bottom plating

    B.emergency fuel shut-off

    C.emergency air cut-off

    D.electro-magnetic couplings

    The reason that the violent motion of the vessel ceased was that ________.A.the starboard anchor was dropped properly to prevent further westward drift

    B.the winds and/or seas decreased in a considerable extent

    C.the vessel was held fast on the grounding rocks

    D.the vessel's back was broken

    This report is most likely prepared by ________.A.the master of the vessel

    B.the cargo owners of the vessel

    C.the shippers of the vessel

    D.the independent investigator of the accident

    The crew were taken off the vessel by ________.A.air-planes

    B.helicopters fixed-wing aircraft

    D.the boat under the supervision of the 2/E engineer


    问题 1 答案解析:D

    问题 2 答案解析:D

    问题 3 答案解析:D

    问题 4 答案解析:B

  • 第5题:

    “Full speed ahead” and “Full speed astern” are ______ given by the officers or the pilots.

    A.sailing orders

    B.speed orders

    C.wheel orders

    D.telegraph orders


  • 第6题:

    I was talking with my mother on the phone when we were()suddenly.

    • A、cut down  
    • B、cut off
    • C、cut across   
    • D、cut back


  • 第7题:

    People were given physical fitness tests in order to find out _____.

    how well they could do in athletics


    what their health condition was like


    what kind of fitness center was suitable for them


    whether they were fit for aerobic exercise

    正确答案: D

  • 第8题:

    “Full speed ahead” and “Full speed astern” are()given by the officers or the pilots.

    sailing orders


    speed orders


    wheel orders


    telegraph orders

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    (), the second one will start automatically.

    If the first stand-by set failed


    If the first stand-by set fails


    If the first stand-by set will fail


    If the first stand-by set doesn’t fail

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    The purpose of engine stand-by is that ()

    the main engine in the stand-by condition


    auxiliary machinery in the stand-by condition


    dynamical equipments in the stand-by condition and could be used immediately


    A and B

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    While the Pilot is maneuvering the vessel to a dock,what is the PRIMARY responsibility of the watch officer?()

    Insure that helm and throttle orders given by the Pilot are correctly executed


    Judge the appropriateness of the Pilot's orders and countermand them if necessary


    Supervise the signaling and flag etiquette


    Record the bells and their times in the bell book

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    The vehicle sales were greatly cut down because

    the car manufacturers were concerned about the American economy.


    the market’s performance was found to be the worst in 50 years.


    the prices of fuel rose to a level which was last seen in the 1950s.


    the fuel prices were so high and the economy was facing a depression.

    正确答案: A
    A slump in vehicle sales by the three big US car manufacturers has renewed worries about the American economy. General Motors posted an 18% drop in sales in June, Ford unveiled a 29%slump, Chrysler’s sales were down by 36%. Mark Gregory reports.
      The combination of record fuel prices and an economy close to recession has led to a slump in sales. On current trends, fewer than 14 million cars and light trucks will be sold in the US this year, the market’s worst performance in 15 years. Shares in General Motors, America’s biggest car maker, have fallen to a level last seen in the 1950s.

  • 第13题:

    If you are given engine orders, how should you reply and report?

    正确答案:When engine orders given, first repeat it clearly and loudly, then ring the telegraph to the position ordered, when the revolution commanded of the engine is obtained, report it to the commander. Such as “dead slow astern”, that means to keep the ship run astern very slowly. When the order is given, repeat it “dead slow astern”, then ring the telegraph to the “dead slow stern” position., when the revolution is obtained, report “engine is dead slow astern, sir.”

  • 第14题:

    the undersigned,Master of MV Roslyn,hereby declare that my vessel ______,at present time,no defects in engines or steering gear.





  • 第15题:


    MV Magellan was inbound from Rotterdam to berth 207 at Southampton Container Terminal.At 0530 the pilot boarded the ship at the Nab Tower pilot station.The pilot&39;s and the master&39;s passage plans were exchanged and the ship&39;s pilot card was given to the pilot.

    The passage continued along the East Solent,during which time there were various VHF radio conversations between vessels and Southampton VTS,about restricted visibility.The VTS officer gave the pilot a countdown from 5 to 2 cables to the Gurnard buoy.This was given so that the pilot could judge the timing of the wheel-over manoeuvre for the 141° turn into the narrow Thorn Channel.The wheel-over occurred at about 0652 and the ship began to turn.

    At this time,the W Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys,which are at the entrance to Thorn Channel,could not be seen because of restricted visibility.Various helm and engine movements were made during the turn.However,when W Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys appeared,the pilot realized that the ship was in the wrong position for the heading she was on.Despite further helm and engine orders,the vessel grounded soon after,at 0700.It was not until about 0710 that the escort harbor launch informed VTS of the grounding.With the assistance of two tugs,the ship was refloated near the time of high water,and she safely berthed at 1232.


    MV Magellan applied wheel at ________ to turn into the narrow Thorn Channel.





    The important navigational mark or marks at the entrance to the Thorn Channel is(are)________.A.Southampton Container Terminal

    B.the East Solent

    C.the Nab Tower

    D.the W Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys

    The suggestion of a countdown from 5 to 2 cables to the Gurnard buoy is ________.A.for the pilot to judge easily when the wheel should be used to make the turn into the narrow Thorn Channel remind the pilot that the depth around there is not sufficient for MV Magellan inform the pilot that the visibility around the buoy is reduced further request the pilot that further consideration should be given to the wheel-over manoeuvre for the 141° turn

    It can be concluded that the cause of the grounding was that ________.A.the Bramble and NE Gurnard buoys were disappeared

    B.the VHF radio conversations between vessels and Southampton VTS,about restricted visibility,were insufficient and improper

    C.Thorn Channel was too narrow

    D.there was an error of judgment by the pilot during the execution of the turn into Thorn Channel


    问题 1 答案解析:B

    问题 2 答案解析:D

    问题 3 答案解析:A

    问题 4 答案解析:D

  • 第16题:


    With the engines on stand-by,orders were given to cut the remaining forward lines at 0755 hours,the starboard engine was put on“slow astern”and the helm to“hard a starboard”. When the forward lines were cut,the bow was blown off and swung away from the quay under the influence of the wind and,combined with the effect of the engine going astern on the after spring,canted the bow to port,until a heading of North was reached with the vessel&39;s stern approximately 15 meters off the dock face.

    The engines were put to half astern at 0810 hours and with the bow continuing to swing to port,the after back-spring parted with the stern about 20 meters clear of the wharf.Orders were given to cut the remaining 5 stern lines.This was accomplished by 0818 hours,at which time the end of the pier was abeam of the bridge and the vessel was heading in a NW-ly direction. Both engines were placed to full astern with the shaft turning 80-90 revolutions.As the UNISOL was unable to gain sternway and with high seas at the end of the breakwater,the Pilot feared that the vessel&39;s starboard quarter was in danger of striking the breakwater.

    Hence the engines were stopped at 0827 hours,and orders were given to“let go port anchor to 2 shackles in the water”,but about 4 shackles ran out before the brake could be fully applieD、At 0828 hours,orders were given to shorten up on the anchor cable,the telegraph put on full ahead and the helm to hard to port. When the engines responded at 0829 hours,the anchor chain was seen to be stretched out on the port beam with a great deal of weight on it and the ship&39;s head was 220° gyro with the vessel swinging to port.

    The anchor was hove short to 2 shackles in the water by 0835 hours,and the vessel continued to drift westwards with 80-90(full ahead)revolutions on the engine.At this stage,orders were given to pay out the cable,which was paid out to 5 shackles in the water by 0838 hours,but that too failed to arrest the westward drift of the vessel.


    The wind was probably blowing from ________.





    The vessel had engine

    B.two engines

    C.three engines

    D.four engines

    According to the passage,________.A.the bow of the vessel parted the pier first

    B.the stern of the vessel parted the pier first

    C.the beam of the vessel parted the pier first can not be concluded which part of the vessel parted the pier first

    It can be concluded that ________.A.the vessel was lying portside along the pier

    B.the vessel was lying starboardside along the pier

    C.the vessel was lying at a buoy

    D.the vessel was anchored


    问题 1 答案解析:B

    问题 2 答案解析:B

    问题 3 答案解析:A

    问题 4 答案解析:B

  • 第17题:

    John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather __________ with them to school.

    B.had taken
    C.were taking
    D.would take

    本句属于较简单地过去完成时的用法。这道题较容易使人想到the same…as…结构。但定下神后,可以较轻松地确定答案。

  • 第18题:

    引航员正在下口令。 ()

    • A、The captain is giving orders.
    • B、The pilot is giving orders.
    • C、The quartermaster is giving orders.
    • D、The pilot is given orders.


  • 第19题:

    Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply _____.








    正确答案: C

  • 第20题:

    He was thoughtful and grave—but the orders he gave were enough to bewilder a crew.








    正确答案: C

  • 第21题:

    According to the passage, one of the reasons why readers in the 1920s and 130s were attracted by free insurance policies was that ______.

    they were afraid of being unable to work


    jobs were more dangerous then


    they had bigger families to look after


    money was given away with the policies

    正确答案: A
    文中提到20世纪20、30年代是一个充斥着mass unemployment-economic insecurity和a passionate concern for the next generation的年代,由此可知读者之所以会对报纸和杂志提供的免费保险所吸引是因为他们担心失去工作后没有依靠,故A项正确。

  • 第22题:

    引航员正在下口令。 ()

    The captain is giving orders.


    The pilot is giving orders.


    The quartermaster is giving orders.


    The pilot is given orders.

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    The lumber bridges were devised to __________.

    improve chances for tamarins to meet and mate


    connect once separated habitats for the sake of research


    make use of some lumber cut down


    both A and C

    正确答案: C