Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmi


Part C


Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phase in European history. History and news become confused, and one’s impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism. 46) Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed -- and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as is the recent events in Europe. The Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identities. With this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. 47) In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.

Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market. 48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.

Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.

49) Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice -- that of producing programs in Europe for Europe. This entails reducing our dependence on the North American market, whose programs relate to experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own.

In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training. This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production which, on the model of European Investment Bank, will handle the finances necessary for production costs. 50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unity we stand, divided we fall” -- and if I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.” A unity of objectives that nonetheless respect the varied peculiarities of each country.

46) Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed -- and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as is the recent events in Europe.


3.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)In his autobiography, Darwin himself speaks of his intellectual powers with extraordinary modesty. He points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely, but (46) he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations. He disclaimed the possession of any great quickness of apprehension or wit, such as distinguished Huxley. (47) He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics. His memory, too, he described as extensive, but hazy. So poor in one sense was it that he never could remember for more than a few days a single date or a line of poetry. (48) On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning. This, he thought, could not be true, because the “Origin of Species” is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men. No one, he submits, could have written it without possessing some power of reasoning. He was willing to assert that “I have a fair share of invention, and of common sense or judgment, such as every fairly successful lawyer or doctor must have, but not, I believe, in any higher degree.” (49) He adds humbly that perhaps he was “superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.”Writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. Up to the age of thirty or beyond it poetry of many kinds gave him great pleasure. Formerly, too, pictures had given him considerable, and music very great, delight. In 1881, however, he said: “Now for many years I cannot endure to read a line of poetry. I have also almost lost my taste for pictures or music.” (50) Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character.(46) he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations

更多“Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmi”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Part B

    52. Directions:

    Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

    1) describe the drawing briefly,

    2) explain its intended meaning, and then

    3) give your comments.

    You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


      As is illustrated in the picture, the two disabled persons whose crippled legs are bound together do a lot of traveling. Accordingly, this far-reaching picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society: the people who are in the dark want to turn the corner but they can not make it respectively and in turn they have to choose to pull together in times of trouble.
      There are several reasons accounting for this. Since we have to live in an on-the-move lifestyle, we may encounter various plights, where we would be at a loss rather than to seek for others’ assistance. Further more, if we do not offer help to each other when we confront dilemma, we would not realize our dream. And no issue in China is as basic to build up the society in harmony as to conduct coordination in face of disasters.
      Judging from what have been argued above, people have come to realize the value of mutual aid. It is, therefore, necessary that some effective steps be made to advocate spirit of supporting each other. To begin with, the government should make laws to encourage people to unite. In addition, people should enhance the awareness of caring each other especially when they are in trouble. Only in those ways, can we make people, even not being acquaintance, help each other.


  • 第2题:

    Part A

    51. Directions:

    Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service.

    You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

    Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

    Do not write the address. (10 points)


    January 20th, 2007

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I’m a student in the university and a loyal reader of this library. I’m writing to tell some of my ideas, which I hope to be helpful for you.

    I notice that many magazines in our library are out of date. It would be beneficial to us students if they could be updated in time. And I suggest introducing some new journals so as to bring new fresh air to the library. Furthermore, since we have a huge number of books, it is not easy to find the right one easily. However, if we can introduce some new searching means, such as implementing new information management system that would be useful.

    Thank you for taking time reading this letter and I’m looking forward to seeing some new changes soon.

    Sincerely Yours,

    Li Ming

  • 第3题:

    Part B


    Read the following saying and write an essay in which you should

    1) interpret the saying,

    2) give your comments onthe saying, and

    3) write a title for your essay.

    A woman’s career, particularly if it is successful, is often blamed for the break-up of a marriage, but never a man’s.

    You should writ 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)



    A self-evident prejudice is made clear by the given saying that a woman’s career, particularly if it is successful, is often blamed for the break-up of a marriage, but never a man’s.  Those who support the saying attribute the break-up of a marriage to the successful career of the wife. In their eyes, a successful woman devoted to her career will certainly neglect her duties to her husband, her children and thus results in the break-up of the family. This accusation is unfair and absolutely unacceptable.

    The prejudice lies in the fact that it has been branded in our mind that women should be inferior to men and they should be at home to foster children and to support their husband. In fact, women should be entitled the rights to have their own careers. They have the rights to get the satisfaction from work besides that from their families. This accusation ignores the fact that the responsibilities for break-up of a marriage should be taken by both parties instead of one. Cleary, to blame a carrer woman for the break-up of a marriage is groundless.

    As a conclusion, what has been traditionally taken for granted in our mind should be replaced by more rational ideas. From now on, it should be prescribed in our mind as law of various nations that everyone is born equal and they should be on equal terms.

  • 第4题:

    Part A


    Suppose you are going to graduate. You want to hold a yard sale before you leave. Write a poster to advertise your sale, providing the following information:

    1) time and place of the sale,

    2) items for sale, and

    3) ways to contact you.

    You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)


    二、      参考范文

    Yard Sale

    As graduation is approaching, we English major seniors are holding a yard sale on campus. Welcome to participate and choose the items you need.

    Time: June 1-2, from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm

    Place: In front of the second dining hall

    Items for sale: All types of books (especially in the subject of English language and literature), reading lamps, fans, tables, etc., in addition to other everyday necessities.

    Contact: For detailed information, contact Li Ming at 01088826667.

    We have the largest collection and the lowest prices. Don’t miss the chance to be there.

    Senior Students of English Department


  • 第5题:

    Directions: Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should

    1) describe the drawing.

    2) interpret its meaning, and.

    3) support your view with examples. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)


  • 第6题:

    Part C

    Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II. ( 10 points)

    Do animals have rights.'? This is how the question is usually put. It sounds like a useful, ground clearing way to start. 46) Actually, it isn't, because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights, which is something the world does not have.

    On one view of rights, to be sure, it necessarily follows that animals have none. 47) Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements. Therefore, animals cannot have rights. The idea of punishing a tiger that kills somebody is absurd, for exactly the same reason, so is the idea that tigers have rights. However, this is only one account, and by no means an uncontested one. It denies rights not only to animals but also to some people—4or instance to infants, the mentally incapable and future generations.

    In addition, it is unclear what force a contract can have for people who never consented to it, how do you reply to somebody who says "I don' t like this contract" ?

    The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless. 48 ) It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consider- ation humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all. This is a false choice. Better to start with another, more fundamental, question: is the way we treat animals a moral issue at all?

    Many deny it. 49) Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.

    Any regard for the suffering of animals is seen as a mistake—a sentimental displacement of feeling that should properly be directed to other humans.

    This view which holds that torturing a monkey is morally equivalent to chopping wood, may seem bravely "logical". In fact it is simply shallow: the confused center is right to reject it. The most elementary form. of moral reasoning—the ethical equivalent of learning to crawl—is to weigh others' interests against one's own. This in turn requires sympathy and imagination: without there is no capacity for moral thought. To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy. 50)When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind' s instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.



  • 第7题:

    Part A


    Your friend Steven and Jenny have just had a new baby boy. Please write a letter to congratulate them. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. You do not need to write the address. ( 10 points )

    Dear Jenny:
        How happy you must be to have a beautiful new baby boy. The happiness in my heart is just the same with you, Now you' ye experienced the joy that only a new mother knows as her baby is put into her arms for the first time.
        I am sure that the little stranger must look like his father and some years later he will be a smart fellow.
        May the years ahead he filled with good health and good for tune for you and Steven and your little what’s his name. Best wishes to all of you!
                                                Very sincerely yours,
                                                               x x x

  • 第8题:

    Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing,you should(1)interpret the chart,and(2)give your comments.You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)

    China's automobile Market Grows Rapidly According to the table above,the automobile production sales in China amounted to over 8 mil-lion in 2007.with an average annual growth of more than 22%from 2001 to 2007.This means that after less than one decade of development,China has emerged into the world,s fastest-growing major auto market There are two main reasons for the increase.For one thing,since general market-oriented reforms were introduced in China around 30 years ago,restrictions and controls on the automobile sector have been gradually eased,resulting in the joint venture partnerships with major global automo bile manufacturers.For another,thanks to the burgeoning economy,the disposable income of Chinese citizens has maintained an upward trend for years,contributing to an increasing number of peo ple owning private vehicles.Despite the breakneck growth over the past decade,Chinas auto market still has much room to grow before reaching saturation and the prospects for China s auto market remain bright.

  • 第9题:

    Directions:Write an essay based on the following table.In your writing,you should interpret the table,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    The table shows that the income sources of Chinese students are quite different from those of American students.In China,85%of students'money is from their parents while in America only 40%ofstudents'money is provided by their parents.Chinese students earn only 5%from part-timc jobs and 5%from student loan.However,American students got 20%and 25%of their money from these two sources respectively.In addition,fellowship or scholarship takes up 15%of American students'income while income from this source for Chinese students occupies only 5%.There are probably two reasons contributing to the differences.First,in China,students without sustainable income are still considered dependent on parents.Therefore,it is natural for them to ask their parents for money.By contrast,American students over 18 years have developed more senses of financial independence.Second,since America is more developed than China,it is relatively easier for American students to find part-time jobs.Therefore,a larger proportion of income comes from part-time job in America.I believe in future,more Chinese students will realize the necessity of self-dependence and try to make their own Iiving through part-timejobs and other ways.

  • 第10题:

    Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    The bar chart shows the general trend of university students whotake parttime jobs at different stages during their college life.Seeing from the chart,more than half of the college students,about 66.77%take a parttime job at their first year.And the proportion increases slightly year by year,til the last year,the proportion reaches the maximal number,surging to 88.24%.There are basically three reasons behind this trend.To begin with,most students are eager to take a parttime job in the purpose of earning some money,which can ease their parents'burden.Besides,they can acquire more experience before officially entering the society.And with more experience,they can easily get a job compared to those who do not have any experience.Finally,they can not only turn what they have learnt into the application,but also learn more which they cannot obtain from their books.In my view,getting a parttime job is a good practice.However,the major task of students is still the study.They should make a balance between their academic life and their working life.

  • 第11题:

    Practice 4Directions:A. Study the following graph carefully and write an essay in 150 words.B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET.C. Your essay should cover the following points: 1. General situation of crime victims in the U.S. 2. The most frequent victims of crimes and their implications. 3. Your comments.

    The Victims of Violence and Theft in the U.S. The above graph presents that in every age-bracket, there are more theft victims than violence ones as a whole. The number of both violence and theft victims goes down gradually. Children between ages of 12~15 are mostly the targets of thieves. The aged are less offended by crimes of theft. Meanwhile, juveniles are the main objects of violence. From the graph it can be concluded that children below 24 are most likely to be offended by theft. The analyzed facts reveal to us that the American youngsters are living in the greatest danger brought about by various social evils.
    Therefore, in order to keep people, especially children far away from the crimes of violence and theft, the U.S. government should take urgent measures to lay down strict laws. At the same time children themselves should improve their awareness of self-protection in daily life.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Practice 3Directions:A. Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay in 150 words.B. Your essay must be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET.C. Your essay should cover these three points: 1. Effect of the country’s growing human population on its wildlife. 2. Possible reasons for the effect. 3. Your suggestions for wildlife protection.

    The Problem of the Wildlife Protection in the U.S. The above graphs show that the population of the U.S. increased rapidly during nearly 200 years thanks to the progress in technology and economy. However, the development is achieved at the cost of some wildlife.
    There are various reasons for this situation. But the most prominent one is human being’s weak awareness of wildlife protection, which leads to the decrease and extinction of wildlife as a result of illegal hunting and killing for profits. It is becoming even more difficult for wildlife to survive, with the gradual decrease of forest and pasture coverage area and the increase of pollution and soil erosion due to the explosion of population.
    To solve this problem, the U.S. government needs to enhance people’s awareness of wildlife protection and even to formulate some relevant laws and regulations. What’s more, more investment should be added to the wildlife protection to create a better environment for the existing wildlife.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Part A Directions:

    On your way from Beijing to Paris, you lost you luggage carried by the airline. Write a complaint letter to the service center of the Airline. In your letter, you should tell them

    1) what happened to your luggage,

    2) what your luggage is like,

    3) what compensation you expect.

    You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)


    二、      参考范文

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing because I need to complain to you about what happened to my luggage carried by your airlines. On Friday, June 2, 2006, I traveled on your airlines from Beijing to Paris.  When I went to pick up my luggage in Paris, I was informed that it was missing. The lost luggage is a black suitcase, 50 cm in length and 30 cm in width, in which there are five volumes of valuable research papers. If they cannot be found for me, I am sure that you will agree to pay me 1000, the estimated worth of my luggage on my claim ticket, to compensate for my great loss.

    I have always enjoyed the good service of your airlines, and I look forward to receiving the same kind of good service in this matter.


    Li Ming

  • 第14题:

    Part A


    You will have an English class next Friday, but you can’t attend it. Write a letter to your English teacher, Mr. Wang, to ask for leave. Tell him:

    1) why you ask for leave,

    2) what you will do to make up for it.

    You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)



    Dear Mr. Wang,

    I very much regret I was unable to attend your English class next Friday.

    As you may know, we senior students have been busy looking for jobs since the beginning of this semester. Luckily, I have got an opportunity to be interviewed by a well-known large public company, which I have longed to enter. Unfortunately, the interview is scheduled for next Friday. I really don’t want to miss this valuable chance, so I have to ask for leave. I know mid-term exam is approaching, and next Friday’s class is important. In order to make up for it, I will ask a classmate to copy your PPT and take notes for me. I will study them carefully and hand in all the homework on time.

    I shall be very much obliged if you can approve my application. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by my absence.

    Yours sincerely,

    Li Ming

  • 第15题:


    Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

    1) describe the drawing briefly,

    2) explain its intended meaning, and then

    3) give your comments.

    You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


    As is illustrated in the picture, the two disabled persons whose crippled legs are bound together do a lot of traveling. Accordingly, this far-reaching picture reflects a common phenomenon in today’s society: the people who are in the dark want to turn the corner but they can not make it respectively and in turn they have to choose to pull together in times of trouble.
      There are several reasons accounting for this. Since we have to live in an on-the-move lifestyle, we may encounter various plights, where we would be at a loss rather than to seek for others’ assistance. Further more, if we do not offer help to each other when we confront dilemma, we would not realize our dream. And no issue in China is as basic to build up the society in harmony as to conduct coordination in face of disasters.
      Judging from what have been argued above, people have come to realize the value of mutual aid. It is, therefore, necessary that some effective steps be made to advocate spirit of supporting each other. To begin with, the government should make laws to encourage people to unite. In addition, people should enhance the awareness of caring each other especially when they are in trouble. Only in those ways, can we make people, even not being acquaintance, help each other.

  • 第16题:

    Part B


    Write an essay with the title “Reading Books in Printed Form. or on Computer” in which you should

    1) analyze the strong points and weak points of each one, and

    2) tell your own preference and your reasons.

    You should write 160—200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)


    Reading Books in Printed Form. or on Computer

    The popularization of computer has made it possible to read books on computer. With it, there is much discussion about whether e-books will replace traditional print-on-paper books.

    Some people say they like only e-books, which are quicker and more convenient to get and use. To get a needed book, one has to spend much time or money in searching for or buying it in bookstores, but one can just type in the title, author or other related information of the book to find it in minutes on internet. Sometimes one can even read the full content of a digitized book free of charge or instantly discuss about a book in an online forum. Moreover, a lot of information of books can be stored in a small compact disc, which is easy to take.

    Other people, however, think printed books are still necessary. In the first place, too much time in front of the computer can cause eyestrain or increase radiation risks. Second, a printed book can be read at your convenience. One can read in bed before sleep or during a boring journey, without fussing with a computer.

    In sum, since e-books and printed books have their respective advantages and can complement each other, I would like to combine the two ways to meet different needs. For quick reference, a digitized book will probably be useful. To appreciate a poem or a novel, I prefer the traditional way of reading on printed books. 

  • 第17题:

    You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

    Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice. Use "Postgraduates' Association" instead. ( 10 points)

    Dear All,
      I am writing on behalf of our Student’s Association to send our warm welcome. And in order to make you adjust life in China, I am making some constructive advices with regard to the life in our university,
      To begin with, you’d better grasp the basic communicating vocabulary as much as possible so as to freely express yourself. In addition, you can read some books on Chinese customs and daily life style. in case you feel uneasy once join a completely strange context. Finally, relax yourself and feel confident toward your future life.
      I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details. Sincerely yours,
    Li Ming

  • 第18题:

    Part A

    51. Directions:

    Your are asked to write a recommendation for a student. Please give your suggestions and express your opinions clearly a bout 100 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. (10 points)

    To Professor Zhang,
        I have the pleasure of writing this letter of recommendation for Mr. Liu Shangshu, who is a student of mine. He wishes to be considered an applicant for the MS course of biology at your college.
        Liu Shangshu is a gifted young man. He has devoted his heart to his study and research. Not only has he obtained A' s in all major subject areas, but he has also published several articles in the school journal, illustrating his originality and his deep understanding of science. For his competence, he is respected by everyone who knows him.
        I feel sure that, if he is accepted by your college, he will be able to develop his talent to its fullest potential.  I sincerely hope you will give him favorable consideration.
                                                      Yours cordially,
                                                                x x x

  • 第19题:

    You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address(10 points)

    Dear sir Last week our family had a wonderful time in your area,and stayed at your hotel during our time there.We have been home for two days,and I just realized that I had left my cellphone charger at your hotel I realize that it could have been easily overlooked and has since been thrown with the garbage But if you have a Lost and Found,could you ask someone to check if it might have been placed there?I don't think anyone will have trouble identifying it.Thank you for your time and assistance with this matter.Regards Li Ming

  • 第20题:

    Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing,You should interpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    From the graph,we can clearly witness that the urban population was ascending while the rural population was declining during 1990 to 2010.The number of the urban citizens rose from 300 million in 1990 to about 460 million in 2000,and to about 685 million in 2010,while the rural peopledescended from about 820 million in 1990 to 800 million in 2000 and to 690million in 2010.It's apparent that in the past two decades,the urbanpopulation witnessed a steady growth,but in the latter decade,the rural population had a remarkable shrinkage.Personally,there are two main reasons for this phenomenon.On one hand,the economic boom led to the regular improvement of people sliving standard,and further resulted in a steady growing urban labor force.On the other hand,from 2000 the countryside urbanization oriented by the government gave rise to a conspicuously declining of rural labor force.In conclusion,based on the analysis above,the increase of urban quantity of citizen will be going on,while the rural population will continue to drop in the future,which is the need and trend of china's urbanization process.

  • 第21题:

    Translate the following text into Chinese. Your translation should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points) The supermarket is designed to lure customers into spending as much time as possible within its doors. The reason for this is simple:The longer you stay in the store, the more stuff you'll see, and the more stuff you see, the more you'll buy. And supermarkets contain a lot of stuff. The average supermarket, according to the Food Marketing Institute, carries some 44,00 different items, and many carry tens of thousands more. The sheer volume of available choice is enough to send shoppers into a state of information overload. According to brain-scan experiments, the demands of so much decision-making quickly become too much for us. After about 40 minutes of shopping, most people stop struggling to be rationally selective, and instead begin shopping emotionally - which is the point at which we accumulate the 50 percent of stuff in our cart that we never intended buying.

    超市旨在吸引顾客在自己店内停留尽量长的时间。原因很简单:顾客在店里停留的时间越长,看到的商品就会 越多;而看到的商品越多,你就会买的越多。超市有大量 商品。根据食品营销研究院所说,普通超市大概有 44000 种不同的商品;很多超市更是会比普通超市多上万种商品。众多选择足以让顾客面临各种信息,不堪重负。根据 脑部扫描实验,需要做这么多的决定很快就会使我们难以 承受。大约购物 40 分钟以后,大部分顾客就无法试图做出理性的选择,而会冲动购物——此时,在购物车里,我们已经装了一半根本没想买的东西。

  • 第22题:

    Directions:  Study the following graphs carefully and write an essay in 160-200 words. Your essay should cover these three points:  (1)effect of the country’s growing human population on its wildlife  (2)possible reason for the effect  (3)your suggestion for wildlife protection Your essay must be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

    The above graphs show the relation between population growth and wildlife extinction rate in the U.S. The population of America has been increasing all the time since 1800. The other graph reveals that the number of wildlife species remained almost stable from 1600 to 1700. But it is saddening to see that wildlife extinction rate increases very fast from the year of 1700. We can get a rough conclusion: the increasing population endangers the existence of wildlife.
    Several reasons may contribute to this grievous phenomenon. To begin with, millions of wild animals are hunted for food or other purposes. One notorious example is Japan’s whaling fleet. Whales are hunted for whale-bone as well as for blubber, thus its population decreasing each year. Another reason comes from the pollutions human make. The ecosystem has been disturbed and some animals are losing their habitats.
    To stop the situation from becoming worse, we must take action at once. Related laws and regulations should be passed to protect the environment and wildlife. When people’s consciousness of protecting wildlife is raised, the safety of the wildlife will be guaranteed.
    stable adj. 稳定的,平衡的
    grievous adj. 令人伤心的;悲伤的
    whaling fleet捕鲸船队
    blubber n. 鲸脂;鲸油

  • 第23题:

    You are required to write an email of no fewer than 80 words to your manager, according to the following information given in Chinese. You should include all the points listed in the following table. Now write the message on the Answer Sheet.

    Producing Situations
    Mr. Liu,
    I would like to give you, the production manager, a brief report on producing situations in our production department. Generally, the producing runs well with 500,000 ton as its daily output. And the coal that is desperately needed in producing lines has already been delivered and arrived this morning. What’s more, the HAD company requires to renew the contact for a year in a letter and the renewal has already gone through the formalities and come into effect.
    Best Wishes!
    Li Chengyuan
    解析: 暂无解析