Staff Management: the importance of encouraging staff to make suggestions for improvements


Staff Management: the importance of encouraging staff to make suggestions for improvements

正确答案:Suggested answers: a.It is important to encourage staff to make suggestions for improvements. First taking on staff suggestions has been an important element in company success. If you listen to their opinions you can gain your facts straight before making false allegations. Staff suggestions will generate a great deal of new ideas. You can absorb a large amount of information so as to broaden your vision and horizon and to establish clear goals. Secondly by listening to their views you can get a far better understanding of your staff. b.The essential part of effective teamwork is to see your company as different team members who are working together rather than as individuals who are working separately. Encouraging staff to make suggestions for improvements is important. It is useful for the managers to understand the personalities of the people they are working with. Then they will be able to anticipate how these people will react in certain stressful situations. You can clarify all job descriptions rationally and carry out regular planning more smoothly. c.If you value staff suggestions it will inspire your staff. You will have greater ability to motivate and communicate well with your staff members. Communication is important. Staff members need to talk to managers about the working practices within a company. Both parties should feel that the expectations are realistic and allow them to have responsibilities and interests outside work. Tile employees will perform even better than before. It will also inspire others. It will end up attracting good personnel. Therefore it is advisable to encourage staff to make suggestions for improvement.
Suggested answers: a.It is important to encourage staff to make suggestions for improvements. First, taking on staff suggestions has been an important element in company success. If you listen to their opinions, you can gain your facts straight before making false allegations. Staff suggestions will generate a great deal of new ideas. You can absorb a large amount of information so as to broaden your vision and horizon and to establish clear goals. Secondly, by listening to their views, you can get a far better understanding of your staff. b.The essential part of effective teamwork is to see your company as different team members who are working together, rather than as individuals who are working separately. Encouraging staff to make suggestions for improvements is important. It is useful for the managers to understand the personalities of the people they are working with. Then they will be able to anticipate how these people will react in certain stressful situations. You can clarify all job descriptions rationally, and carry out regular planning more smoothly. c.If you value staff suggestions, it will inspire your staff. You will have greater ability to motivate and communicate well with your staff members. Communication is important. Staff members need to talk to managers about the working practices within a company. Both parties should feel that the expectations are realistic and allow them to have responsibilities and interests outside work. Tile employees will perform. even better than before. It will also inspire others. It will end up attracting good personnel. Therefore, it is advisable to encourage staff to make suggestions for improvement. 解析:broaden your vision开阔眼界。personality人格,个性。 teamwork团队合作,集体协力,团对配合。False allegation凭空指控,错误指控。stressful紧张的,感到压力的。
更多“Staff Management: the importance of encouraging staff to make suggestions for improvements”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate. Dissatisfaction could be prevented by improvements in hygiene factors but these improvements would not alone provide motivation. Herzberg showed that to truly motivate an employee a business needs to create conditions that make him or her feel fulfilled in the workplace.

    C Company aims to motivate its employees both by paying attention to hygiene factors and by enabling satisfiers. For example, it motivates and empowers its employees by appropriate and timely communication, by delegating responsibility and involving staff in decision making. It holds forums every year in which staff can be part of the discussions on pay rises. This shows recognition of the work people do and rewards them. The staff can even influence what food goes onto its restaurant menus. Employees thus become motivated to make choices that will increase their use of the restaurants.

    What are the factors that make the employees feel motivated after they take part in the discussions on pay rises

    A.Work itself and responsibility
    B.Relationship with co-workers and promotion
    C.Recognition and achievement
    D.Job security and growth

    【关键词】factors; motivated; take part in the discussions on pay rises
    【主题句】It holds forums every year in which staff can be part of the discussions on pay rises.This shows recognition of the work people do and rewards them.每年都会举行员工可以参与讨论加薪的论坛。这展示了对员工工资的认同和回馈。。

  • 第2题:

    In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate. Dissatisfaction could be prevented by improvements in hygiene factors but these improvements would not alone provide motivation. Herzberg showed that to truly motivate an employee a business needs to create conditions that make him or her feel fulfilled in the workplace.

    C Company aims to motivate its employees both by paying attention to hygiene factors and by enabling satisfiers. For example, it motivates and empowers its employees by appropriate and timely communication, by delegating responsibility and involving staff in decision making. It holds forums every year in which staff can be part of the discussions on pay rises. This shows recognition of the work people do and rewards them. The staff can even influence what food goes onto its restaurant menus. Employees thus become motivated to make choices that will increase their use of the restaurants.

    Which situation(s) makes you feel motivated or discouraged because of a hygiene factor

    A.Work happily with the colleagues of our team
    B.My boss appreciates my project plan the best salesperson this year
    D.All above

    【关键词】feel motivated or discouraged because of a hygiene factor
    【解析】题目意为“出于保健因素,什么情况会让你感到有动力或者泄气?” 选项A 意为“我和团队里的同事相处很融洽”,符合右侧图片中的“Relationships with co-workers”; (同事关系);选项B意为“我老板称赞了我的项目计划”,符合左侧图片的“Recognition”(认可);选项C意为“我是本年最佳销售”,合左侧图片的“Achievement”(成就);选项D 意为“以上全是”。只有A选项满足保健因素。

  • 第3题:

    If there were fewer management staff, more work ().

    • A、would be done
    • B、will be done
    • C、would have be done
    • D、should be done


  • 第4题:


    • A、chown omc test
    • B、chown staff:omc test
    • C、chown omc:staff test
    • D、chown staff test


  • 第5题:


    正确答案: 参与制作改动画的全体成员。

  • 第6题:


    • A、select staffno from staff where E_mail=NULL
    • B、select staffno from staff where E_mail NULL
    • C、select staffno from staff where E_mail is NULL
    • D、select staffno from staff where E_mail is not NULL


  • 第7题:

    Practice 4   (The candidate chooses one topic and speaks about it for one minute.)  A Motivation: the importance of motivating staff at all levels of a company  B Financial Management: how to achieve savings on production costs.  C Communication: the factors involved in determining staff access to confidential information.

    正确答案: 【参考范例】
    If you chose A: (two possible answers)
    a. It is very important to motivate staff at all levels of a company. The principle of motivation is to make sure that the work is interesting, challenging, and satisfying for the individual worker. To most employees, it is not sufficient to only have material rewards such as pay. So employer must try his best to motivate his staff. We all know that staff members working in high mood, and taking great satisfaction from their work will provide customers with good products and service. Consequently, the customers will be satisfied with the goods and service. To a large extent, business depends on good customer relations. Good customer relation will transfer into retention of a great number of loyal customers. As is known to all, loyal customers will take good care of your business.
    b. Like an adage goes, “Nothing happens until someone sells something.”, which emphasizes a very important point to any business or institution, though taken literally it may be misleading or even untrue. As a matter of fact, many activities should happen before “someone sells some- thing”. You will have a lot of things to do, among which is to motivate staff, since you will need staff to do a lot of things, for instance market research, production of inventory, transportation to warehouses, purchasing of raw materials, financing of inventory, promotion and so on. Their good service will provide individual consumer with pleasure, and make them happy. Once you know how to motivate staff, you are certain to succeed.
    If you chose B: (three possible answers)
    a. The fundamental reason of business failure lies in poor management. It is possible that business difficulties are caused by the poor quality of management that is by internal factors and by factors external to the firm. The poorly operated business will fail, while the well managed will succeed. In order to achieve savings on production costs, there are some things that you need to know, which includes location, excessive competition, and difficulties in respect to receivables and inventory, and inadequate sales. If its management is aware of its environment, alert, resourceful, and flexible, the individual business can adapt to the constant changes in dynamic economy and survive.
    b. In order to achieve savings on production costs, market research has to be conducted first and then a strategic plan needs to be made. The development of a sales forecast is significant to the planning of any business. With sales forecast in hand, all the costs of the business can as well be forecast according to knowledge of the way the sales are generated (the market plan). Given the income and costs generated by the sales forecast, then a financial plan can be prepared. Selecting location is also important. When selecting your location, you should make your first marketing decision, which requires your knowledge of three things: your product or service; its users (potential customers), and your competitors.
    c. If you want to achieve savings on production costs, you must understand strategic cost management. Today’s business objectives have three aspects: to make profits, to beat competition, and to delight customers. You must accomplish the third so as to achieve the first two objectives. However, traditional cost-management techniques focused on the first objective only by minimizing cost without consideration of the effects on customers. Cost management means far more than cost cutting. Good cost management should be forward looking. Although you still need to look backward, the more you look forward to target costs and manage operations to meet cost goals, the less you will need to look backward to find out where costs went awry. And thus you should avoid the trap of trying to account costs out after the fact, instead of designing lower costs in ahead the fact.
    If you chose C: (two possible answers)
    a. Several factors are involved in determining staff access to confidential information. First of all, you need to make sure what kind of information is confidential. It is only the classified information or documents that need to be kept secret. Secondly, make sure who needs confidential information. Only those directly relating to the subject or problem under discussion or consideration can access the relevant information. Thirdly, you need to make sure the reason why they shall have access to information, which is limited to senior management or certain person. Is it necessary to give him/her the secret information? Finally, you need to be sure of the way the confidential information is used.
    b. It is very vital to make sure those who have access to confidential information have signed a confidentiality undertaking—that is, a document promising not to make confidential information public. You don’t like to see a potential buyer use this confidential information either in the course of negotiations or after negotiations have broken down. Since many confidentiality letters have no legal value, taking appropriate advice is recommended. You should’ also take into consideration your strategy for informing your staff of the proposed sale. Most business owners would like to keep the sale secret from their employees until the deal has been completed or at least until negotiations are fairly advanced. However, this can be difficult and if staff finds out about the sale they will be unsettled. In addition, you will have to produce a tremendous amount of information about the business and its running, for which you will need the cooperation of senior management, who will therefore need to be informed of the sale.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    Practice 4  ● Your manager is keen to improve work efficiency among the staff. He has asked you to introduce to your fellow staff members practices to improve time management.  ● Write the report for your manager, including the following information:  ● the importance of planning work time effectively,  ● practices to improve time management,  ● steps to follow in carrying out the practices.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    To: Manager
    From: Will Smith
    Date: Oct.23, 2012
    Subject: Time Management
    I am glad to be tasked with this report on improving the efficiency of our work. I am with you that because of the fact that we do not plan our time well, we are not highly efficient. As a famous saying goes, “Time passes very fast, however, it is fair to everybody, not giving one a second more, and also not giving others one second less. It all depends on how you can make use of it.” As a result, if we can improve our time management skills, we could do our jobs efficiently, punctually, and also easily.
    There are many means of helping us plan our working time. The best way to realize this is to get every staff to have their daily, weekly, and even monthly work plan. Therefore, it is necessary for us to look at our yearly performance goals, and break it into a monthly plan, i.e, within this month we will need to finish a certain task. People can by themselves decide on which date they would like to work on this. To manage time also means that we will need to handle interruptions. I would propose to our people that we cope with them, but also we need to remember our priorities, our monthly and yearly objective. If they have difficulty balancing them, I recommend that they let you make decisions for them.
    The calendar function of Microsoft Office Inbox can do people a favor to plan their time. They will be suggested to put in calendar their planned job and task so that we can take a look and see whether they are doing it well or not.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    The company

    only pays into projects that the staff choose.


    is keen for staff to help the local community.


    expects staff to support only local projects.

    正确答案: C
    倒数第二段提到,公司鼓励员工加入Give as You Earn体制,能够给予他人钱财,特别是那些为当地利益工作的组织,由此可知公司渴望员工帮助当地社区,所以选B。

  • 第10题:

    Practice 2  ● Your manager is considering fostering team spirit among the staff. He has asked you to write a report concerning this.  ● Write the report for your manager, including the following information:  ● the current state of teamwork among co-workers,  ● the importance of teamwork for the effective management,  ● the practices that could foster team spirit,  ● write 200-250 words.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    To: Manager
    From: Will Smith
    Date: Oct.23, 2012
    Subject: How to Foster Team Spirit
    It is noticed that at present there is not very good teamwork among co-workers. People concentrated solely on what they are doing, and are devoted to their own work, and are unwilling to provide some help to those who work together with them.
    It is right to say that everyone has their own roles and accountabilities in this organization. It is still a pity though we can not work as closely as possible in a team. As we all know, people are different from each other, and everybody has their own merits and demerits. It is unquestionable that we can achieve team objective better if our people use their advantages to help those who are now busy coping with their jobs using their disadvantages. In addition, no one is successful if our team loses.
    Such being the case, I suggest that we arrange a teambuilding activity. In the event, we make our people realize the importance of changing the current situation, get them to tell us what are their opinions about this, and what are the reasons from their perspectives, and what we can jointly do to improve it.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    A specialist remover will make sure staff is kept up to date with arrangements for their move.





    Doesn’t say.

    正确答案: C
    最后一段第一句指出专业搬家公司会keep company employees fully informed(将各种情况及时通知公司的员工)。本题的表述内容与此一致。

  • 第12题:

    Who will Systemco provide training for?

    All staff.


    Middle management.


    Staff in the IT department.

    正确答案: B
    由With most companies, we tend to work with middle-management, not at the board level, obviously可知答案选B。

  • 第13题:

    资料:From:Gloria Richter
    To:Gunther Schmidt
    Subject: E-mails; staff lounge; communication problems
    Date: March 3
    There are some communication problems I wish to bring to your attention
    1. Each day we receive a huge number of emails from colleagues inside the company and from overseas customers. Some are important many are not. My staff seems to spend all day checking and sorting emails, which is time-consuming and results in them neglecting other duties.
    2. My staff doesn’t understand why you got rid of the staff lounge after the takeover. They say that it said to be a good place to meet people from other departments and to exchange ideas. Most of them still have not met anyone from Sanicorp yet.
    3. A lot of middle managers are really confused about who they should report to. We know management are planning a reorganization but isn’t it time they told us what’s happening?

    What is NOT requested by Gloria Rikchter in this emall?

    A.An efficient way for the staff to deal with the large number of emails
    B.More investment in the well-being of the staff
    C.Reopening of the staff lounge
    D.clarification of whom the staff should report their works to

    【关键词】NOT requested; Gloria Rikchter
    【主题句】My staff seems to spend all day checking and sorting emails, which is time-consuming and results in them neglecting other duties.(员工花费整天时间核对和分类邮件,既费时间又让他们忽略其他工作。);My staff doesn’t understand why you got rid of the staff lounge.(员工不知道为什么取消员工休息室);A lot of middle managers are really confused about who they should report to.(许多中层管理者对于向谁汇报工作十分困惑。)
    【解析】第2题问“Gloria Rikchter在邮件中没有要求哪一项?” 文中的三点即为Gloria Rikchter的要求。1. 员工花费整天时间核对和分类邮件,既费时间又让他们忽略其他工作。2. 员工不知道为什么取消员工休息室3. 许多中层管理者对于向谁汇报工作十分困惑。这里只有B选项“增加对员工福利的投资”在文章并未提及。

  • 第14题:

    If there were fewer management staff, more work ().

    Awould be done

    Bwill be done

    Cwould have be done

    Dshould be done


  • 第15题:


    • A、STAFF_ID


  • 第16题:

    A customer who is reducing their technical staff has requested an Intel server proposal from various vendors.  Which of the following is most relevant to this proposal?()

    • A、Grid Computing 
    • B、Active Energy Manager
    • C、Remote KVM 
    • D、Systems Management


  • 第17题:


    • A、chown hlr:staff Sroute
    • B、chusr hlr:staff Sroute
    • C、chown hlr staff Sroute
    • D、chusr hlr staff Sroute


  • 第18题:

    Which three of these service components are in the implement phase?()

    • A、Staging
    • B、Business Requirements Development
    • C、Post Implementation Support Handoff Meeting
    • D、Detailed Design Development
    • E、Staff Training
    • F、Incident Management


  • 第19题:

    If there were fewer management staff, more work ().

    would be done


    will be done


    would have be done


    should be done

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    What has Mr. Fritz promised to do to encourage the staff?

    Meet with the staff personally for motivation


    Prohibit any further layoffs in the meantime


    Reward staff based on their performance evaluations


    Give special prizes to sales and shipping staff

    正确答案: B
    根据传单最后一段倒数第2句there will be no further staff reductions可知答案为B。

  • 第21题:

    Notice: Week commencing 7 JanuaryMarketing workshop 8 January postponed until further notice;All staff meeting on 9 January;Repairs to staff Canteen throughout January.What is happening this week?

    A seminar.


    A meeting.


    A staff dinner.

    正确答案: A
    题意:1月8日的营销讲习班延迟,何日举办再行通知;1月9日召开全体员工大会;整个l月份职工食堂都要进行修缮。由此可知这周只有召开staff meeting(员工大会)。故选B。workshop讲习班;研究会。seminar研讨会。

  • 第22题:

    Discuss, and decide together:  ● What kinds of reasons might there be for staff leaving their jobs?  ● What steps could be taken to reduce staff turnover?

    Candidate A=A Candidate B=B
    A: Let’s get started. I think a lot of reasons account for staff leaving their jobs. Among these reasons, the most common one may be that some staff members feel that he/she is earning very little in his/her job. What do you see it?
    B: Well, I also think there are several reasons, really. I mean, with employees expanding their horizon their outlook becomes more global. To employees, certain questions may be asked like: What do you enjoy about working here? Over the past year, have you considered about leaving? If so, why is that? What can be done to improve our company and create an even better place to work? Form employees, we are most likely to get answers like they want better training, better working conditions and better communications with their supervisors. And, above all, they want their bosses to “make me feel like I make a difference”.
    A: So how can we weigh up all these factors and take appropriate steps to reduce staff turnover?
    B: Well, it’s vital that the management knows exactly what they want from staff and that they have a full understanding of their key steps, one of which is linking pay and bonuses with performance. What do you think about it?
    A: Yes, it’s difficult to change how things are done. Just like people, bureaucracies fall into bad habits, and the process of adapting to change can be painful. All the departments of the company should do their job well to reform the rules and working environment. So far as I am concerned, most employees are reliable and loyal and they are willing to take hard work.
    B: That’s true. Surveys have been conducted recently. They show that when 15,000 employees in retail shops across the country were asked to list the 18 reasons for working where they did in order, they ranked “good pay” third. And “appreciation of work done” is in first place, with “respect for me as a person” second.
    A: Therefore, the management need to put high value on staff moral. High labor turnover that results from the indiscriminate hiring of “cheap” workers can cost a lot. Many companies have declared a “war for people” so as to recruit and keep better staff.
    B: If correct steps are taken to boost staff moral, labor turnover is bound to decline by more than haft. There is enough evidence that the management should spend more money on retaining employees if they hope to spend less on finding and training new ones.
    A: I agree with you. I think, to reduce its labor turnover, we need to get across a simple message throughout our operating divisions, that is loyal, well-motivated employees make customers happy, which in turn, creates bigger profits and happier shareholders. It could also help to improve training of middle manager.. So could a change in bonus arrangements.
    B: Meanwhile, the senior managers may become fussier about the people they recruited. They prefer to screen out job applicants who are mainly motivated by money, in other words applicants, who are pejoratively described as “pay first people” by some companies. Such people make up a surprisingly small, yet evidently disruptive, part of the service-industry workforce. Many companies found in its employee-attitude surveys that only about 20% of their workers regarded pay as their principal reason for working there.
    A: Probably, you’re right. But people do annoying things out of their own will in exchange for money or entertainment, so they may go for the bait. And many middle managers in service industries are more comfortable managing demands for more money than those for increased recognition and better communications. They will need to change their ways. Well, let’s conclude what we have said and make a decision, shall we?
    B: Yes, first we will go over the questions, and then make decisions together.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:


    select staffno from staff where E_mail=NULL


    select staffno from staff where E_mail NULL


    select staffno from staff where E_mail is NULL


    select staffno from staff where E_mail is not NULL

    正确答案: D
    解析: 空值比较的关键字是is NULL或者is not NULL,NULL表示字段的值未知或者不确定,表达式是is NULL或者is not NULL,例如查询缺少数学成绩的学生select *from学生基本情况表Where数学成绩is NULL。