If you are too______of your children,they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.A.respectiveB.detectiveC.protectiveD.effective


If you are too______of your children,they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.






1.Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Quite simply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person has the right to fail.Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her child’s hastily making table as ―Perfect! even though it couldn’t stand on uneven legs. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.The trouble with failure-prevention methods is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time —and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child who’s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn’t make the honor roll or the baseball team, feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick comfort prize or say, ―It doesn’t matter because it does. The young should be allowed to experience disappointment —and be helped to master it.Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grown-ups and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you can learn to use it. Step one is to ask ―Why did I fail? Control the natural impulse to blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. Second, is the goal you’re to reach the right one? Think about this question. ―If you dosucceed in this, where will it get me? This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn’t be doing anyhow. The third thing to keep in mind about failure is that it’s part of life. Learn to ―live with yourself even though you may have failed. Remember, ―You can’t win themall.(1) The main idea of this passage is ().A、why people are afraid of failureB、the trouble with failure prevention methodsC、how to deal with failureD、both A and C(2) According to the passage, which of the following is not true?A、Most parents think failure may hurt their children.B、Most parents do not want their children know they have failed.C、A mother describes her child’s work ―perfect because she didn’t want to hurt him.D、If a child fails a subject, he should blame his teacher.(3) According to the writer, ().A、parents should tell their children to think nothing of not being chosen into a baseball teamB、children should be encouraged to get rid of disappointment all by themselvesC、parents should judge what their children have done as it isD、children should learn to enjoy a game that they won’t win(4) The last paragraph tells us ().A、there are three methods to deal with failureB、there are some methods to deal with failureC、failure is not enjoyableD、failure is part of life(5) ―Live with yourself in the last line may mean ().A、to tolerate yourself when you failB、to face failures all by yourselfC、to live in a house aloneD、to support yourself when you fail

更多“If you are too______of your children,they will never learn to deal with difficulties in li ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    When you learn a second language you have many difficulties to ________.

    A overcome

    B confront

    C conquest

    D triumph


  • 第2题:


    The law defines youthful offenders (aged 18 or under) as offenses. As for the same offenses, the court would consider an adult as a offenders" are juveniles who commit offenses appropriate only to juveniles, such as truancy from school. Here are a few ideas to help prevent your children from being a delinquent.

    Keep your children in school to help prevent delinquency. Minor offenses, such as truancy, can lead to more serious offenses. Make clear to your children your expectations about their school attendance. Meet with school officials if necessary.

    Exercise adequate supervision. Juveniles rarely commit serious offenses while under the supervision of an adult. Seek the assistance of your local service agencies, if you feel you cannot control your children. Attend parenting classes, or join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline.

    Educate your children about the dangers of drugs. Drug offenses and addiction can have serious consequences for your children. Let your children know you will not tolerate drug use. Stay informed about drug use trends in children.

    Get your children involved in after-school recreational activities, sports, community service or other positive activities. Young people with positive outlets for their energy are more likely to do well in school and avoid the problems of delinquency.

    Know who your children’s friends are. Show an interest in your children's social life and peer groups. Peer pressure may have a bad effect on teenagers and young people. Do not allow your children to associate with juvenile delinquents.

    ( )21.the court would consider youthful offenders as”criminals” if they commit offenses.

    ( )22. You must meet with school officials to prevent your children from delinquency.

    ( )23. If you cannot control your children, ask for help from the local service agencies.

    ( )24. Inform. your children that you will not tolerate drug use and drug offenses can have serious results for your children.

    ( )25. Children always involving in positive activities are more likely to do well in school and avoid the problems of delinquency.







  • 第3题:

    Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of your role whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered。




  • 第4题:

    Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn.They have_____21_____that babies learn much more from the sights and sounds around them than we_____22_____before.You can?help your baby by taking advantage of her hunger to learn.
    From the_____23_____beginning,babies try to imitate the____24______they hear us make.They""read"the_____25_____on our faces and our movements.That is_____26_____it is so important to talk,sing and smile to?your child.Hearing you talk is your baby′s first_____27_____toward becoming a reader,because it_____28_____her?to love language and to learn words.
    As your child grows older,_____29_____talking with her.Ask her about the things she does.Ask her?about the events and people in the story you_____30_____together.Let her know you are carefully_____31_____what she says.By keeping her in_____32_____and listening,you are_____33_____encouraging your child to think as?she speaks._____34_____,you are showing that you respect her knowledge and her ability to____35______learning.




  • 第5题:

    It was a case of emergency.The four-year-old girl awoke and smelled smoke.She couldn't wake her mother,so she dialed"zero",An operator immediately called the fire department.Help was sent,and a tragedy avoided.
    Days before this emergency,the mother had taught her child how to telephone for help.Children as young as two and one-half years old can be taught to use the phone in emergency situations.Here are some points.
    Memorizing certain facts is important.Teach your children their names,and the section of town where you live.Try to keep what they learn within their abilities.Simple information,learned well,is better than difficult information only partly learned.
    Be sure your children know how to use the telephone.They should be taught to dial"zero"for the operator,at the very least.And they should be taught to dial"911"if it is used in your town.
    Practice over a period of several days.Over-learning is necessary so the child can act automatically in case of emergency.
    If you would like a booklet giving instructions on calling for help,write Telephone For Help,Box 99,Bowling Green Station,New York,NY 10004.

    What is the main idea of the passage?

    A.Give instructions on calling for help,
    B.Partly-learned information is useles
    C.Teach children how to deal with emergencie
    D.Keep what children learn within their abilitie


  • 第6题:

    资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings.
    Some scary facts about retirement:
    More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement.
    25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan.
    The average person spends 20 years in retirement.
    Here are some tips to help you plan correctly:
    1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals.
    2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can.
    3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator.
    4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options.
    5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details.
    6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.
    7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously.
    8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly.
    9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement.

    What will happen if you withdraw your retirement savings before you retire?

    A.You may have to pay penalties.
    B.You will fail to realize your goals.
    C.Your retirement savings will become off-limits.
    D.You should save money for your retirement all over again.

    【关键词】What will happen; withdraw your retirement savings; before you retire
    【主题句】Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don’t make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals.坚持存储退休金。 不要在退休前提款,否则你可能会受到惩罚,并且会阻碍你实现目标。

  • 第7题:


    If you want to teach your children how to say sorry,you must be good at saying it yourself,especially to your own children.But how you say it can be quite tricky.
    If you say to your children"I'm sorry I got angry with you,but…”what follows that"but"can render the apology ineffective:"I had a bad day"or"your noise was giving me a headache"leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior in expecting an apology.
    Another method by which people appear to apologize without actually doing so is to say"I'm sorry you're upset";this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.
    Then there is the general,all-covering apology,which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting,and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again.Saying"I'm useless as a parent"does not commit a person to any specific improvement.
    These pseudo-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness.Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength,and therefore not resort to these pseudo-apologies.
    But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition,children still need help to become aware of the complexities of saying sorry. A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does,and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy toy requires an apology.A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other children's expectations can require an apology. A 12-year-old might need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable,but that borrowing a parent's clothes without permission is not.

    We learn from the last paragraph that in teaching children to say sorry________.
    A:the complexities involved should be ignored
    B:their ages should be taken into account
    C:parents need to set them a good example
    D:parents should be patient and tolerant

    细节题。根据第二段中提到的:what follows that "but" can render the apology ineffective:"I had a bad day"or"your noise was giving me a headache"leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior...“但是”后面的内容会让你的道歉打折扣,“我今天度过了糟糕的一天”或者“你吵得我头疼”这样的话会让已经受伤害的人觉到他应该为自己恶劣的行为道歉······
    推断题。根据第三段后半部分:this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.这等于在暗示你放任自己对别人的所作所为感到生气,对于这一点你是负有责任的。既然是由于放任自己生气,那么当然不怪我了。
    推断题。根据第四段中的提到的specific act(具体的行为)和specific improvement(具体的改善)可以推断出这种笼统的道歉过于模糊,也没有什么效果。
    推断题。根据最后一段中提到的complexities of saying sorry(道歉的复杂性)以及分别列举3岁、6岁和12岁孩子的具体例子,可以推断出教孩子道歉的时候需要考虑到他们的年龄。
    推断题。根据前几段中对于几种道歉时的误区以及最后一段中提到的 complexities of saying sorry(道歉的复杂性)可以推断出:道歉并不像看上去的那么简单。

  • 第8题:

    According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to ______.

    encourage them to learn


    teach them to fear the pain of solving the problem


    help them learn to deal with pain


    teach them how to respect from the problem

    正确答案: D
    文章的倒数第四行说到,we encourage the human ability to solve problems,just as in school we set problems for our children to resolve.所以我们让学生们做题的目的是让他们从中学习。因此A选项正确。

  • 第9题:

    PART 3Discussion topics: Art Do you think it is good for children to learn art?

    正确答案: Yes, I highly recommend children learn art because researches have shown that kids who learn art have more developed right cerebral hemisphere than those who don’t. But I do have to mention that the child is interested in what he learned. I think learning art can really help develop the kid’s aesthetic taste and ability which is good for their future development.

  • 第10题:

    How much will you pay for your second child if you take two children along?____

    正确答案: half price
    细节题。定位到文中倒数第二段Special features部分“More than one child per adult is half price”每一个家长带的孩子超过一个,需要买半价票。此处填写half price。

  • 第11题:

    Directions:  Suppose you are Li Ming and your friend Li Hua has just won the first-class science award because of the work in the field of applied chemistry. Write a letter of congratulation to her, and the letter should include the following information:  (1)express your congratulations on the award-winning.  (2)express your opinion that she deserves the award.  (3)express your hope for greater success in her field.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need write the address.

    Dear Miss. Li Hua,
    ①It is with the greatest pleasure that I offer you my sincerest congratulations on your winning the first class science award because of your creative work in the field of applied chemistry. ②I know that it followed many years of hard work and numerous experiments. ③I have heard of the excellent achievements you reached in studies. ④This shows that your outstanding scholarly attainments and whole-hearted devotion to sciencehave been given public recognition.
    ⑤As one of your friends, I am delighted that I will share your honor and achievements, and I am very proud of you. ⑥Best wishes for your greater success in all that you undertake.
    I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    Sincerely yours,
    Li Ming

  • 第12题:

    ______ your help, they’d never have been able to overcome the difficulties.

    Were it not


    If it was not


    Had it not been for


    Had it not for

    正确答案: C
    若虚拟条件句中含有were,had或should等时,连词if可以省略,并使用倒装语序。were it not若不是…的话,若非。had it not been for如果不是因…。

  • 第13题:

    Since your work friends are just your friends in your workplace, you will never invite him to a party.()


  • 第14题:

    “ In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel.” This is the last sentence of _______ .

    A、Sister Carrie

    B、An American Tragedy

    C、The Genius

    D、Jane Eyre


  • 第15题:

    What did you learn from your internships or work study experiences?


  • 第16题:

    Scientists who study the brain have found out a great deal about how we learn.They have_____21_____that babies learn much more from the sights and sounds around them than we_____22_____before.You can?help your baby by taking advantage of her hunger to learn.
    From the_____23_____beginning,babies try to imitate the____24______they hear us make.They""read"the_____25_____on our faces and our movements.That is_____26_____it is so important to talk,sing and smile to?your child.Hearing you talk is your baby′s first_____27_____toward becoming a reader,because it_____28_____her?to love language and to learn words.
    As your child grows older,_____29_____talking with her.Ask her about the things she does.Ask her?about the events and people in the story you_____30_____together.Let her know you are carefully_____31_____what she says.By keeping her in_____32_____and listening,you are_____33_____encouraging your child to think as?she speaks._____34_____,you are showing that you respect her knowledge and her ability to____35______learning.




  • 第17题:

    You have lost your cellphone charger at the hotel where you stayed during your vacation.Write a letter to the hotel aboul your item left behind.You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address

    Dear sir,IAst week our family had a wonderful time in your area,and stayed at your hotel during our time there.We have been home for two days,and I just realized that I had left my cellphone charger at your hotel.I realize that it could have been easily overlooked and has since been thrown with the garbage.But if you have a Lost and Found,could you ask someone to check if it might have been placedthere?I don't think anyone will have trouble identifying it.Thank you for your lime and assistance with this matter.Regards,Li Ming

  • 第18题:


    Look After Your Voice

    Often speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem
    by activating the saliva in you mouth.First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth.Or press
    your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow.Or you can imagine that
    you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.
    Before you begin your talk,be kind to your voice.Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat.
    Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice.
    If you sense that your are losing your voice,stop talking completely.Save your voice for your speech.
    You may feel foolish using paper to write notes,but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.If you
    need to see a doctor,perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer. In the meantime,do not
    even talk in a low voice.
    What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat?I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The
    problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence.The second drink gives you even more
    confidence.Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything,but in fact your brain
    and your mouth do not work together properly.Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking.
    Perhaps you want to accept the advice,but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a life-
    time.Of course you can.Goethe,who lived before indoor skating rinks or swimming pools,said,"We learn
    to skate in the summer and swim in the winter."Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop
    your new habits.If you are willing to change,you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these
    techniques because they became a part of your body.

    What did Goethe say about skating and swimming?
    A:He said people could learn to skate when it was hot and swim when it was cold.
    B:He said people could learn to skate and swim when it was hot.
    C:He said people could learn to skate and swim when it was cold.
    D:He said people could learn to skate when it was cold and swim when it was hot.

    在文章第一段中,作者提到三种解决讲话时口干的方法,分别对应A、B、C选项。故 选D。
    由文章第三段第三句“...but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice.”可知,答案 为A。
    文章最后一段中歌德的原话是“We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter",A项与歌德的说法最接近。
    作者在最后一段引用歌德的话想证明,一个人在一生中养成的习惯如果想改还是可以 改的。故选C。第5部分:补全短文

  • 第19题:

    May I use your dictionary? ()

    • A、Yes, here you are
    • B、No, you won't  
    • C、Never mind
    • D、Sorry here it is


  • 第20题:

    Practice 10  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  We don’t really learn anything properly until there is a problem, until we make a mistake, until something fails to go as we had hoped. When everything is working well, with no problems or failures, what incentive do we have to try something new? We are only motivated to learn when we experience difficulties.  Adapted from Alain de Botton, How Proust Can Change Your Life: Not a Novel  Assignment: Does true learning only occur when we experience difficulties? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    On January 15, 2009, Captain Chesley (“Sully”) Sullenberger was piloting a US Airways jet from New York City to Charlotte, North Carolina. A few moments after takeoff, the jet ran into a flock of birds, which knocked out power to both engines. Sully knew he could not make it back to the airport, so he decided to land the plane in the Hudson River. Miraculously, the plane landed intact and stayed afloat long enough to get every single passenger and crew member off safely. Sully is now an internationally known speaker on the subject of airline safety, using the lessons he learned from this most difficult situation to prevent future disasters. As Friedrich Nietzsche so aptly put it, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”
    Indeed, the lessons learned from overcoming difficulties can last a lifetime. In 1886, Helen Keller, who had become deaf and blind after a childhood illness, learned how to communicate with others through the use of sign language (painstakingly learned from her “Teacher, ” Annie Sullivan). This accomplishment affected the rest of Helen’s life: She became the first deaf and blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree from Radcliffe College and went on to become a world-famous speaker and author. Her triumph over her disabilities taught her that any person can change the world, if they truly believe in themselves.
    In 1962, the South African apartheid activist, Nelson Mandela, was sentenced to life in prison for his political activities. Did he spend his days bemoaning his fate or complaining how unfair life was? No—he used his time in prison to earn a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of London. Twenty-seven years later, he was released from prison and vowed to use everything he had learned while incarcerated to fight apartheid peacefully and politically. In 1993, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
    There is no doubt that physical pain is an excellent teacher. A child who puts his hand on a hot stove burner will not do so again willingly. (Even the family pet will learn from a similar experience.) But the pain the body feels because of a fall, or a cut, or some kind of illness will eventually wear off. The pain and suffering felt in the mind, however, will last for years, informing all our future actions and teaching us the truly indelible lessons of life.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    Does everyone in your office always agree all the time? When someone makes a suggestion, does everyone just smile and nod in agreement? When you bring forward an idea, do people just accept t? Well, if you answered yes" to any of these questions, you are in an extremely unusual workplace. People are people. And people butt heads.They disagree, they argue, and they fight. You can’t get around it. But you can learn to deal with it To hold your own, you need to learn how to argue effectively. If you’ve got an opinion, you need to defend it. And if you have a problem with something a colleague has done, you need to let tem know. This can make for some difficult discussions and meetings, but this is just a part of life and business skills. So how can you argue effectively? Well, you need several. You need several skills to().

     let your colleagues know


     argue effectively


     make for discussions and meetings

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    Does everyone in your office always agree all the time? When someone makes a suggestion, does everyone just smile and nod in agreement? When you bring forward an idea, do people just accept t? Well, if you answered yes" to any of these questions, you are in an extremely unusual workplace. People are people. And people butt heads.They disagree, they argue, and they fight. You can’t get around it. But you can learn to deal with it To hold your own, you need to learn how to argue effectively. If you’ve got an opinion, you need to defend it. And if you have a problem with something a colleague has done, you need to let tem know. This can make for some difficult discussions and meetings, but this is just a part of life and business skills. So how can you argue effectively? Well, you need several. The writer suggests that if you get an opinion, you need to().

     get around it


     learn how to deal with it 


     argue in support of it

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    If you run through life so fast, you will ______.

    lose your own treasure that you can always carry easily


    forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going


    look down on your worth


    not be afraid of the difficulties

    正确答案: B
    细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段“Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going.”可知答案选B。