
两国领导人对这个问题交换了意见。 (汉译英)

参考答案:The leaders of the two countries exchanged their opinions on this problem.

他的举止是很文雅的。 (汉译英)

参考答案:He is elegant in behavior.

这个国家爆发了大规模内战。 (汉译英)

参考答案:A large-scale civil war broke out in this country.

这所学校是去年新建的。 (汉译英)

参考答案:The school was newly built last year.

他的态度是很认真的 (汉译英)

参考答案:He is serious in his attitude.

小升初英语翻译(整句)真题训练100题(含解答)学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、汉译英:整句1.这个沙漠是如此的壮观!(汉译英)2 .汤姆在大学时唱歌很好听。(汉译英)当她听到这个好消息时高兴得跳了起来。(汉译英)王兵来看刘涛。Wang Bing comesLiu Tao.这位老爷爷艰难地爬上楼梯。(汉译英)她丢失了她的身份证。(汉译英)我恐怕要迟到。(汉译英)8 .打架是粗鲁的。(汉译英)9.我们稍后做什么?(汉译英)10 .她不开心是因为她错过了火车。(汉译英)我们必须快点!(汉译英)我也饿了。他不久就会回来。(汉译英)我将要去与一些朋友见面,然后一起吃顿午餐。(汉译英)昨天发生了什么?(汉译英)迈克有时在早上感到困。略We must hurry up!【解析】略Im hungry, too. Hell come back soon.【解析】略13 Im going to meet some friends and have lunch.【解析】略14. What happened yesterday?【解析】略15 sometimes feels sleepy【解析】略brush our teeth【解析】略listens to at school【解析】略Who won the game?【解析】略Can you clean up the room?【解析】略I put away the books for you!【解析】答案第2页,共11页略throwing into【解析】略shouldnt do【解析】略23 slips on skin falls【解析】略up makes messy【解析】略Smoke makes【解析】略Trees help【解析】略get up early【解析】略2 8.businessman writer【解析】略police officer【解析】略What does do【解析】答案第3页,共11页略factory worker【解析】略to be postman【解析】略I like squirrels.【解析】略How do animals spend winter safely?【解析】略Whafs your favourite animal?【解析】略They sleep for a long time in the winter.【解析】略They collect a lot of food in the autumn.【解析】略Have a guess.【解析】略You are right.【解析】略We ate sea food.【解析】答案第4页,共11页What did you do there?【解析】略Where did you go on your summer vacation?【解析】略43 I went to Beijing on summer vacation.【解析】略Guangdong is in the south of China.【解析】略Shaolin Temple is in Henan province.【解析】略I went to Guilin Its in Guangxi.【解析】略Where did you go on your summer vacation?【解析】略What do you know about Canada?【解析】略This is Australia.【解析】略Toronto is a very big city.【解析】答案第5页,共11页略What country is this?【解析】略Please look at this map.【解析】略53 You can also see the White House.【解析】略You can take photos of them.【解析】略Its in the east of the USA.【解析】略What do you want to do there?【解析】略I want to visit the museum.【解析】略Where do you want to go this winter vacation?【解析】略I want to see the White House.【解析】略Many children like going to the Disneyland.【解析】答案第6页,共11页略The president lives there.【解析】略It has many beautiful beaches.【解析】略63 not much fridge【解析】略64. have to【解析】略65 more over there【解析】【详解】more表示“更多的”,在那边用over there”。isnt taller than【解析】【详解】比更高用be taller than,句型中用否定,应在be动词后加上not。tall【解析】【详解】提问身高用“Howtall.?”。The book is a very good read.【解析】略The hero of the book is a boy.【解析】答案第7页,共11页略My favorite story is Spiderman.【解析】略a little at a time【解析】略like eating vegetables noodles【解析】略shouldnt too much【解析】略Are you going to bring some toys to the party?【解析】略What about The kings new

你讲的这个笑话笑死我了。 (汉译英)

参考答案:Your joke killed me。

这本书在这个城市卖得很好。 (汉译英)

参考答案:This book sells well in this city.

她长着一双美丽的大眼睛。 (汉译英)

参考答案:She has a pair of big beautiful eyes.

他高兴得像个得了新玩具的孩子。 (汉译英)

参考答案:He is as happy as a child with a new toy.

今年的这个冬天不太冷。 (汉译英)

参考答案:It is not rather cold in the winter of this year.

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